body morph deforms clothing in a wrong way
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Hello everyone.
I am quite new to DAZ studio, and I can't figure out how to fix this issue.
So I have a dress suited for genesis8 female. I apply it to the base figure and everything looks good (see the picture, 1st example). But when I try to change thigh morphs - bad looking wrinkle appears (2nd picture). I tried to edit weights on dress, but it didn't help. Maybe someone could help me solving this? I tried to edit weights on a dress, but it didn't help. Although I am not sure I did everything right, as some weights, such as pelvic area, I couldn't remove.
The basic weights govern the rigging - the effect of joints - rather than morphs. If the automatically projected morph loks bad then you can try adding a Smoothing Modifier (Edit>Figure>Geometry), or in soem casse a rigidity map (which can be weighted) might help, but often the only real fix is a custom morph to match the figure morph the way you want it to look.
Thank you for the answer. Smoothing helps in a neutral pose, but looks bad in almost any other pose. Will try to learn how to use rigidity map, before making custom morph.
For handling posing you need to edit the generated weightmaps.
If you select weigth brush and open tool settings. The in the scene tab select a bone in the dress, in tool setting select 'general weights' and in the viewport your dress become red-blue-grey. Red is full weigth, grey no weight.
You can then change the weights.
Or you can apply dForce and let that handle the posing.
I have this happening when I use, for example, a G3F skirt or dress on G8F.
I have not noticed anything like this when I use the skirts or dresses made for G8F.
When you autofit, my understanding is that it will generate all weight, and not reuse existing.
That is why change of scene identification usually is a better way to use G3 on G8.
I don't know what morph you dial specifically.
As far as I know, leaarning from other clothings.
They seems to have certain pJCM to handle certain morph.
For example, a certain specific pJCM to handle voluptuous morph. Without it, the cloth will look super ugly.
This pJCM will get dialed when voluptuous morph gets dialed.
pJCM usually used when weightmap can't handle it anymore.
So maybe you need to make one too.