layered image editor mask not saved
I'm trying to add a mask to the layeded image editor in DAZ 4.8. works well as long as I have the scene open. I know I saved the scene before closing (tried that several times) but I have to add the mask ever time new, when I open the scene new.
Strangely enough I have a scene with a mask made still in 4.7 that saved an stays there when I reopen. Does anybody know how to solve that problem?
I'm not seeing this - I created a cube, applied a new LIE image to it, set up two layers, one green and one blue, and applied a random image as a mask to the top layer. Saved and reopened the mask was still behaving as expected: if I open it in the Layered Image Editor I do have to click the triangle next to the layer name to see the mask in the list at top-right.
ok, there maybe a hint to my problem, do I need to create an layer before I add a mask? I used the face image of g2m and added the mask direktly to it. Now I need to go and look what I did for that scene from 4.7 times.
You need to have a layer selected, I was starting from a blank cube so I had to create layers to start with. You also need something under the mask, I think - I can't recall if DS will autofill empty areas.
Thank you, I will try it that way and see what happens.
ok adding another layer helped, so thanks for the hint. Still I wonder a little that the face image itself does not count as a layer, it is listed as a layer in the LIE.
I'm not sure what you mean - the initial image is the base, over which you layer other images. Are you trying to make a gap in the texture?
ok what I tried to do is giving this guy here a dirty face, (it's in he new user contest wips). The funny thing was that I was able to create a mask and add my dirt image direktly to the face jpg in the LIE. the result was the same as in the render seen there, but that did not save when I closed the scene. but when I made a new layer it saved. So the general problem was solved, and I was able to make him dirty. I was just curious why the other thing did not work and what the difference is actually. However, I have to admit that the explanation might be over my current brain capacity ;-)
A mask is a way to control what is and is not blended between two layers so a mask is always added as a sub-component of a layer.