Why all the "figures" are bald?

lordfrostlordfrost Posts: 0
edited September 2022 in Daz Studio Discussion

It seriously intrigues me, like, why do you hate all the girls with regular hair on their heads?

No matter what model I use, they all start bald, why can't I just one-click and have it with hair and you know, the basic human/character stuff in place already?

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Post edited by frank0314 on


  • AscaniaAscania Posts: 1,855

    So we can actually put the hair we want on it.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,315

    Nothing is stopping you from doing your own by adding the hair you like and saving it and when you want to use that figure load your custom instead..They don't have it on the figures because they want you to add whatever you want to it.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    That's like asking why we hate clothing. Of course the figures start off bald, because the alternative would be either painting hair on the scalp (that may not work with the hair you want to use) or making hair part of the base mesh.

  • I can't even .. laugh

  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,598

    Back with Vicki 4 they actually had a version that came with textured hair and everyone complained about iirc.

    The genesis figure or any other figure are not meant to be a complete obj ready to use. They are a starting point to allow you the opportunity to add your mark to the finished render and to develop your own artistic style.

  • the V4 purple bikini brought so many complaints, M4's boxers less

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    lordfrost said:

    It seriously intrigues me, like, why do you hate all the girls with regular hair on their heads?

    No matter what model I use, they all start bald, why can't I just one-click and have it with hair and you know, the basic human/character stuff in place already?

    (Title edited by mod)

    What sort of hair would you like it to automatically load?

    The one you want this particular time? (if so how would it know what you want?)

    The same every time?

    As others have said, you load the hair you want to use; it doesn't have to be from Daz, or you could create your own.

  • would it be inappropos to point out that no default daz figure is bald... they're not equiped for it? 

  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,561

    they should also come with the scene already rendered too

  • jbowlerjbowler Posts: 798
    edited September 2022

    lordfrost said:

    why can't I just one-click and have it with hair and you know, the basic human/character stuff in place already?


    Every time I load a character it (he or she or other) comes in with hair, anatomy and clothing.  This is because my characters are "scene subsets".  It doesn't matter; the saved subset is just a .duf file, you can put the .duf whereever you want, including putting it into the directory for characters (it may help to remember to move the .duf.png along with it).

    It's not really a DAZ Studio thing, it's more of a collective gestalt; "characters" have eyebrows but no head hair.  Perhaps some have chest hair.  It's not something I worry about, though it is certainly amusing; Dire Wolves seem to always have fur, maybe we are collectively offended by hairless dogs?  I can see a whole new branch of physcology there.

    Human beings, of course, are born with hair but it falls off PDQ, apparently sometimes before birth.  Maybe DAZ strove not to repeat the mistake?

    @lilweep has a good point.  I can't actually put the render into a .duf; well, I can, but it wouldn't automatically appear in the render directory.  Feature request?

    Post edited by jbowler on
  • some actually do have beard and hair load options, not many but they exist

  • jbowler said:

    lordfrost said:

    why can't I just one-click and have it with hair and you know, the basic human/character stuff in place already?


    Every time I load a character it (he or she or other) comes in with hair, anatomy and clothing.  This is because my characters are "scene subsets".  It doesn't matter; the saved subset is just a .duf file, you can put the .duf whereever you want, including putting it into the directory for characters (it may help to remember to move the .duf.png along with it).

    It's not really a DAZ Studio thing, it's more of a collective gestalt; "characters" have eyebrows but no head hair.  Perhaps some have chest hair.  It's not something I worry about, though it is certainly amusing; Dire Wolves seem to always have fur, maybe we are collectively offended by hairless dogs?  I can see a whole new branch of physcology there.

    Human beings, of course, are born with hair but it falls off PDQ, apparently sometimes before birth.  Maybe DAZ strove not to repeat the mistake?

    @lilweep has a good point.  I can't actually put the render into a .duf; well, I can, but it wouldn't automatically appear in the render directory.  Feature request?

    depending on what you mean putting the render in a duf...but you can put your render folder in your content library and your render files will appear just a subsets do.  

  • riftwitchriftwitch Posts: 1,409
    edited September 2022

    lordfrost said:

    It seriously intrigues me, like, why do you hate all the girls with regular hair on their heads?

    No matter what model I use, they all start bald, why can't I just one-click and have it with hair and you know, the basic human/character stuff in place already?

    (Title edited by mod)

    There is no 'regular' hair.  Do you want long, short, straight, curly... ? It's better to be able to put whatever hair you want on the figure.  If you want the same hair every time you load a figure, put the hair you want on the figure, then save as a scene or scene subset.

    I tend to create characters that I'm going to use in a variety of renders. I will create a character with the hair, clothing, and whatever else I want, and save it as a scene subset. Then it can be called up any time I want, or loaded into a new scene. This is really handy when you want to put several characters you've created into the same scene.


    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • im amazed someone asked such a rediculous question .

  • Hair for alll

    Hair for All I say

  • As a wise man once said, "To hair is human."

  • DaveDDeleon876 said:

    Hair for alll

    Which hair is that, it looks great...

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