3d Printing Licenses
Question....right now there is a sale on bundles, just the cost of what you don't already own. Lots of people pick up starter bundles here of pro bundles they already own, due to the fact that the Daz search engine doesn't filter those out for us. Does this purchase invalidate the earlier 3d printing license we already bought? If I pull up V7, for example, my inventory shows I purchased her in 2021, but I bought her pro bundle in 2019. The earlier purchase(s) of V7 alone are not listed on her individual items. I would like to clear the Rosa bundles, since I bought her mega bundle, but I don't want the date to only reflect the new purchase, and the license to go away. Thanks for your help.
Post edited by AZDigitalArtist on
It certainly shouldn't, you already have the license and it isn't live-linked to the date of purchase. I'd think if that could happen it would already have shown up by affecting Interactive Licenses in the same situation. If it does cause an issue then please open a ticket and also let us know so we can raise it.