August 17 Fast Grabs... questions.
I was just now looking at the fast grab for today, and I have a few questions.
Today's fast grabs are the V4 Bodysuit itself, and items to work with it, namely:
V4 Bodysuit Undergarments
Everyday Lingerie for the V4 Bodysuit
V4 Bodysuit Unimesh Fits
Victoria 4.2 Bodysuit Expansion Pack
From what I read on these items, it appears that the Undergarments work with the Bodysuit to construct undergarments from the Bodysuit; and the Unimesh fit allow the Bodysuit to fit to other G4 characters, and alter its form to make other cloths.
Does the Everyday Lingerie set do the same thing?
I may be off in my understanding of these items, so could you please explain a better functioning and use of these items?
The Expansion Pack is clear to me.
I believe the lingerie does the same kind of thing that the undergarments does, provides textures and transparency maps to apply to the bodysuit. The Unimesh fits adds the A4, S4, G4, etc. morphs to the bodysuit.
Yes, it's just two different variations really.