ATTENTION EriKan EriKan EriKan!!!!!

EriKan You posted a thread back in MAY about Problems installing Carrara on MAC OS LION where you got a warning of ...
"The application cannot get the administrator access right, You should run it once as administrator or reinstall the application"
I am having the same issue with Mountain LION! MAC OS 10.8 What was the answer?????
I posted what I believe to be the solution, in your first thread about this.
Have you tried tech support?
I have sent 2 tickets to DAZ about it and all they send me is more solicitations to buy more crap!
I have NOY tried apple yet!
I have posted it all over MACRUMORS and not one wants to get near it
Are you not seeing my posts?
I have read elsewhere that the workaround for this problem is to run Carrara once as the “superuser”. Unfortunately, the only way to do this is via the Terminal application (which will allow you to screw up your computer big time).
The Terminal application gives you access to the command line interface for the Mac OS. With it, you have the power to do pretty much anything. But with great power comes great responsibility. You have to enter commands perfectly, there are no typos allowed.
To run Carrara as the superuser, you must first determine the directory path to your Carrara installation. The normal path should begin as /Applications/DAZ 3D/ followed by the name of the directory that the installer created, or the custom directory name that you chose. Let’s assume for this example that your Carrara folder’s name is Carrara8. You then follow that with /
So the entire path might look like this:
/Applications/DAZ 3D/Carrara8/
You need to go to that directory by using the “change directory” command.
Launch the Terminal application and type the following (including the quotation marks and the space after cd.)
cd ”/Applications/DAZ 3D/Carrara8/”
Press return.
Remember, this will only work if this is the correct path to YOUR Carrara installation.
After entering the above command, you then enter the following:
sudo ./Carrara
You will be prompted to enter your Mac admin password.
(sudo is the command for “super user do”)
Carrara should then launch, and you can enter your registration info.
THIS SCARES ME! I am not a techie code zombie!
I have no idea about all that, BUT if you could write down a step by step about how to do it I would be willing to try
This is the only solution that I have seen for installing Carrara 8.1 on Mac OS Lion or Mountain Lion.
The problem has been reported to be fixed with Carrara 8.5.
See this bug report:
0042972: Carrara cannot get admin rights - OS X 10.7 - Lion
If you can tell me the exact directory path to your Carrara installation, with no errors, I can give you directions.
I have sent 2 tickets to DAZ about it and all they send me is more solicitations to buy more crap!
I have NOY tried apple yet!
I have posted it all over MACRUMORS and not one wants to get near it
They also have a toll free number and regular business hours. Look on the website under "Contact Us" or something similar.
If a Mod happens across this thread or Rich's other thread that's essentially identical to this one, perhaps one of them could be locked? No point in two of them.
It would make more sense to continue this discussion in the other thread.
I DID IT I DID IT!!!!!!!!! Found a APPLE forum about logging in as as root user! HEY I am a CODE ZOMBIE NOW! WOO HOOO!
SOME THING TELLS me this is gunna be a continuing problem as more and more people are upgrading to MAC OS 10.8 Mountain lion!!
NOW where should the native content go!
One thing I do know how to do in the Terminal is if you the exact file path, open the Terminal, find the file or folder and drag and drop it on the Terminal window and the file path will show up in it's entirety. Simply copy and Paste your info. for de3an to help you out.
For instance, the install path for my version of Carrara 7 (certain identifying things have been x-ed out):
[XXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXXXX:~] xxxxxxxx% /Applications/DAZ/Carrara\ 7\ Pro/
Are you getting this on mac OS 10.8 when you try to resifted Carrara ?
"The application cannot get the administrator access right, You should run it once as administrator or reinstall the application.."
Heres what you got to do….
How to enable the root user
OS X Mountain Lion
1. From the Apple menu choose System Preferences....
2. From the View menu choose Users & Groups.
3. Click the lock and authenticate as an administrator account.
4. Click Login Options....
5. Click the "Edit..." or "Join..." button at the bottom right.
6. Click the "Open Directory Utility..." button.
7. Click the lock in the Directory Utility window.
8. Enter an administrator account name and password, then click OK.
9. Choose Enable Root User from the Edit menu.
10. Enter the root password you wish to use in both the Password and Verify fields, then click OK.
How to log in as root Use these steps for Mac OS X v10.2 or later
1. If you are logged in, choose Log Out from the Apple menu.
2. If you are logging in from a list of usernames with pictures, click Other.
3. In the Name field, type: root
4. In the Password field, type the password you defined in the steps above.
THEN launch Carrara then enter your information then wa la
If you need to LOG OUT as administrator then log back in as who ever you wish and carrara will run fine!
Logging in as the root user is not a good idea in my opinion. You can do far more damage to your computer logged in as root than you can by using the Terminal method.
If you haven't already logged in as root, I advise against it!
Well there was no CODE to mess with... I simple logged in the root user. Launched Carrara entered my info! CLosed carrrara LOGGED out then back in as me and here I am!
Thanks for your patients and help!
SO could you tell me about any other issues you know of running carrra on MAC ML? I can look forward to?
But now the Root User is enabled, which is not wise since it increases security risks via network hacking. There was a reason it was not enabled by default.
You should go back and disable the root user.
As long as you don't go into the system folder and library and start throwing things out, your biggest issue would be security. Do what you need, then log out.
BTW, that's the method I was talking about in the other thread. I just couldn't remember all the steps.
Thanks so much guys! and DE3AN your were right I left ENABLE ROOT USER ENABLED! I disabled it and thanks for your help! Macs are NOT suppose to be like this! I bet I have to do the same thing when I install Carrara 8 .5
But i learned something today so now I can get back to huffing spray paint!
Carrara 8.5 is not supposed to have this problem any more.
Thanks for your help dean. Yea now I am almost ready to CLONE everything from my 7200 HD to my new SSD. I cant wait to see it burn un Carrara.
I have had files that took minutes to save and I had to do it every few changes as Carrara 8.1 mac will crash after about the 6th time you click in the timeline!
Macs are not like this. DAZ and Carrara are at fault in this case. There was a game a few years ago where the demo had a similar issue. Shipped on magazine discs and everything. The next month, the updated demo shipped on the disk with an apology from the game company and magazine editors. Seems they wanted to scoop the competition and offer the demo exclusively before it was fully tested.