having an issue using ‘Mesh to Volume’

I am having an issue using ‘Mesh to Volume’

I hope this is the right forum to ask this in


The script makes the volume and it renders correctly

But when I save the Daz scene file and then reopen it, the volume no longer renders

What is happening, in the ‘shader’ for the surface, there is a link to the volume file

That link is lost when the Daz scene is saved

Anyone else have this issue and a way to solve it?


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870

    No, I don't have this problem.
    I am using DS Public Build (beta). What version of Daz Studio are you using?
    Mesh to Volume puts the VDBs in my content library in data\Alessandro_AM\Mesh2Volume\Vdb. Where are your Mesh to Volume VDBs being stored? Are the VDB files still there and you can relink them manually?

  • I am using the latest Daz Studio,

    I reinstalled it yesterday, didn't make a difference

    volume file location:

    E:\Daz Library 2\data\cloud\1_85454\data\alessandro_am\mesh2volume\vdb

    when I first make the volume, before saving, I can click on browse and it shows me this location (above)

    After I reopen it, when I click on browse it just shows E:\Daz Library 2

    I can relink it, but it just evaporates again after I save and reopen




  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870

    It looks like you have installed Mesh to Volume from inside Daz Studio. That is called installing with Daz Connect. The folder path with data\cloud is the clue that shows that Daz Connect was used. Some products don't work when installed with Daz Connect. I suggest that you submit a help request to ask customer service about this problem. I installed with DIM. I suggest that you uninstall Mesh to Volume from inside Daz Studio first and then install it with DIM.

  • Thanks for the help / suggestions

    I just tried that, un-installed with Install Manager and then re-installed with Install Manager

    Previously it was installed on E: now T: drive

    I made a new test scene, new Mesh to Volume

    2 odd things, it still shows the volume file location the same, on E:

    And if I understand it correctly, when you see a product in the Smart Content window, if it was not installed inside Studio there is a circle with a down arrow in it

    The new installation of Mesh to Volume, even though installed with DIM does not show that

    I will open a ticket and see what they say



  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870

    Daz Connect and DIM install to two entirely different folder hierarchies. Uninstalling with DIM will not uninstall the version that was installed with Daz connect. When a product has been installed both ways, the Daz Connect version is always used. No matter how many times you uninstall and reinstall with DIM, it will not get rid of the Daz connect version. So, in Daz Studio, right click on the Mesh to Volume product icon and select Uninstall. That should get rid of the Daz Connect version. Restart Daz Studio. If Mesh to Volume is grayed out, reinstall with DIM one last time.

    If you are a DIM user, there is no need for you to ever log in inside Daz Studio. If you aren't logged in, you can't accidently install something with Daz Connect. Mixing install methods leads to problems like you are having. Change your Daz Studio preferences to disable automatic login.

  • Thank you for the additional info, when I started using Studio, I installed with Connect I didn’t know better

    Is there a way to tell if I have a product with 2 installs?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870

    In DIM, click on the magnifying glass to see the list of available filters. Then select Filter by Tag and then Connect Installed. (Or just type tag::all::CloudInstalled into the filter text box.)
    Then look at the products listed in your DIM Installed tab. Products listed there are products that are installed both ways.

    I don't know how to check for Daz Central installs, because I've never used Daz Central. Many people confuse Daz Connect and Daz Central, because of the similar names, but they are completely different.

    Screenshot 2022-09-18 124613.jpg
    435 x 370 - 29K
  • thanks for all your help, between what you have told me and what Allessandro has told me I got it to work

    I would not have gotten it with out both pieces of the rather confusing puzzle

    Allessandro told me (basically) that where Mesh to Volume is installed has to match the current base path in DIM, I had changed that to start installing on an external drive

    That does mean there is always a potential problem as current base path is changeable


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870

    That is good to know. Thanks. It does seem like a rather restrictive (and undocumented) implementation decision on his part.

  • He said it is important for all scripts and plug-ins

    I will have to try some others now to see if they have problems

    And thanks again !


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