DAZ freebie page

no idea if this i the right place to post - or better said, complain - i didn't want to mix it with the freepozitory etc threads since it's not a freebie offer per se... it's a feedback about timewise available free products. please feel free to move if there is a more suitable category!
i'm really thankful for the freebies offered regularly on the official daz freebie page, especially since they are "real" full products that are otherwise sold, not user-made gifts. i could save quite some money already with them, and it's very nice from marketing to do this, they wouldn't need to do it. also, they change them often enough to keep it a regular bargain.
BUT PLEASE correct the title/head of the page "This Week’s Freebies" - since they rarely change every 7 days. sometimes it's a fortnight, maybe more. it annoys me to no end when after a week i check the page for the xth time hoping for new items, and the same stuff is still there, again - note: i'm NOT arrogant enough to ask they be changed after exactly 1 week, it's for sales to decide when they do, and it's fine like this - but nonetheless i'm greeted by the jolly though totally irrelevant and ironical title "This Week’s...". it bugs me. just call the page "Freebies", or better "Actual Freebies", because it's what they are. or keep the title but then really change them on the dot every monday.... every 1st of the month... whatever, as long as the title corresponds to the frequency of the change, or is at least neutral ~
ok, there are far bigger issues in the daily world, or even just with daz and software/computers in general - but this repeated, small but continuous negative customer experience is unnerving, every time i close the page disappointed, which i wouldn't be if i knew the time hasn't come to peek yet, and on top there's the stupid sentence taunting me ~