How to set aniBlock moving offset?
Michal P.
Posts: 88
Some aniblocks like walking change Z Translate position of the character at the end of aniblock for next aniblock. How to edit/set this offset?
I am suffering this too. It is really frustrating. Could you find the solution?
On the rare occasion I use an aniblock and this happens, I right click in the animate2 timeline just below the lines for aniblocks and click on bake to studio keyframes and I think once or twice it didn't stop the jump on the axis, but majority of the time it works and the animation is smooth how you want it.
I wish there were downloadable timeline templates for movements instead of aniblocks.
Depends on what you want to do, but a lot of basic movements have templates. Google animation walk cycle or run cycle and you'll find some great stuff. Or, shoot reference video of what you want to do, or watch movies or look up things on youtube, and copy what the different parts of the body are doing. Go frame by frame and really study what is happening. I'm taking courses through animation mentor right now and they teach the importance of using good reference video for your animation. I'll only use premade walk cycles if it's someone in the background because I don't want people to all move the same, so any major characters I will come up with personalized walks and movements for them.