Dungeon Modular by 3dlab not showing in search (Sorry fixed)
So I have spent the better part of an hour trying to find the Dungeon Modular product by 3dlab and could not find it. I thought perhaps that maybe I had forgotten its name correctly so I searched every possible thing I could think of to search for it in the DAZ store and yielded no results. So finally I did a google search and there it popped up so I found the store link that way. I know sometimes PA's leave Daz and so there goes their catalog but I knew that it was made by 3dlab. Once I found it a clicked his store link and it's not even on his storefront. Just wondering if anyone else has had this similar issue with other products? VOID PREVIOUS STATEMENT: I forgot about our new feature for the mature content and saw mine was un-ticked. As soon as I ticked it and searched again it showed up in the search. I apologize immensely for MY screw up lol. Thanks.
I just searched and it didn't show up for me.... messed about with the filters and it popped up.
I had mature content enabled and still didn't pop at first.
Do you have DazDeals plugin enabled?
As soon as I posted in the forum I went to shop for some other items and that's when I noticed that I didn't have my "show mature content" enabled. As soon as I did that everything was good. Thanks for responding though! I didn't even know they had added that feature till I heard it mentioned in the Genesis 9 announcement stream.