my weird crash

I am grateful for any help. I have needed to upgrade my Mac to Mojave 10.14.6. I understand from these forums that many people run Carrara 8.5 Pro on Mojave, so it should be possible, but I have a weird crash when I try.

The program opens with no problem. It can load old Carrara project files with no problem. It seems to see all my runtimes and browser content with no problem. It can open a new project with a "scene" preset with no problem. But the following things cause a sudden crash of the program:

If an existing project is open, selecting any item and switching to the modeling or texture room causes a crash.

If no project is open, creating an "empty" scene of any size causes a crash.

Obviously, this means I can't use the program. I am attaching my crash report, which seems to say it has something to do with a "preview" function, although I don't know how to read these reports. Thanks in advance for any ideas. I have tried trashing preferences (didn't help.) I tried uninstalling and reinstalling with DIM (didn't help) and restoring from an old version (didn't help.) Same crash whether in "full screen" or not.




  • RuudLRuudL Posts: 209
    edited September 2022

    I don't think that PreviewRenderer.mcx itself is the culprit. It's probably a module or a service that it depends on. I think it might be the content management server (cms).

    You not only upgraded from a previous macOS to Mojave but also from a previous Carrara 8.x to the latest version thru DIM. Assuming you did not do a clean Mojave install. It's possible that more than one cms is running and with different database managers (Valentina and/or PostgreSQL). Using Activity Monitor (Applications/Utilities folder) you check whether one or more cms is/are running.

    The cms can be started and stopped using the apps in folder Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZ3DIM1/service

    Another (test)option is running Carrara after rebooting Mojave in Safe Mode (Shift-key at boot time pressed)


    Activity MonitorScreenSnapz001.png
    862 x 505 - 152K
    Post edited by RuudL on
  • Thanks for these things to try. I did already try safe mode, didn't help. But I will explore about multiple cms. I also tried installing on my work computer, and it works fine, so at least I discovered that if I get a new computer, it should work. So you're right, it either is something wrong with how it's installed on my old machine, or maybe just a hardware issue with my old machine.

  • Using Activity monitor, I see that only 1 cms is running. Not sure why, but the "services" folder in my Install Manager location is empty: no apps for stopping cms. Maybe I can try uninstalling DIM and resinstalling, and the service app will appear.

  • you don't have the Huion Tablet driver installed by any chance?

  • RuudLRuudL Posts: 209

    EtreCheck is a very good tool for analysing and finding problems with macOS (also available for windows). Free version downloadable at  

  • Wendy, thanks for mentioning the Huion tablet problem, which I read about while searching for answers in the forum. I don't have one. And thanks RuudL for letting me know about EtreCheck, certainly something useful for many situations.

  • The only new thing EtreCheck showed is: the actual "app" that was crashing was the "" in the rendernode, not the normal app. Strange. When I uninstalled the rendernode with DIM, the same crash happens, however.

  • I did find an uninstaller app for CMS, in the DAZ3D folder in Application support in the root library. I ran it, although I could still see cms in Activity Monitor. Crash still happens.

  • I run Carrara on two different Macs withput the problems you mentioned. I would check a couple of things. It sounds like a display issue. Check and maybe change your settings for OpenGL. Also try changing the display settings in the Assemble room. Mojave does not support Quicktime. It's 32 bit. Make sure that you don't have Quicktime Movie set in the Render room. That always crashes Carrara for me. I hope that helps.  

  • RuudLRuudL Posts: 209
    edited September 2022

    My information about starting and stopping the cms was incorrect. Sorry for that.

    All the cms stuff (databases, logs, start and stop apps) are in folder  ~/Documents/DAZ 3D/Content Management Service/  The start and stop apps are in sub folder /utilities

    Post edited by RuudL on
  • Brian,

    Thanks for the suggestions, although I haven't gotten far enough to try to render anything yet, so QuickTime isn't the issue. I'm not sure about what Mojave can and can't do with QuickTime, since I have already with Mojave rendered several videos as QuickTime files in After Effects and Premiere, with no issue. But in Carrara, I usually use TIFF image sequences.

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