Updating without Download Manager?
Is it possible to update to the latest version of Studio without using the DIM?
I prefer not to use any install downloader for any brands applications - been bitten before with ones that download malware and open unsecure ports.
Yes, since the application itself is now out of beta, it is available in your product library for downloading...be sure to grab all the parts, including all 3 generations of Genesis Starter Essentials and the Default Lights and Shaders. Be warned, all those downloads are well over 1 GB, so even on a fast connection it will take some time.
There is noting unsafe about DIM. It only connects you to DAZ's server to download your packs. Thats all it does.
Thanks MJC,.. but I didn't spot any list or link to download in any other way then the DIM.
Edit: Found it, had to try sort the orders, then under 'Product Library' I was able to select Studio Beta, and then scroll down and see the direct links.
I still prefer not to use any install manager / download manager Frank.
I really don't think they're nessasary, especially not for experienced users. I suppose a couple of poor experiences, and all the hassles when I've had to use Adobe's ones - such as extra unwanted download, alterations to home pages, installations of unwanted toolbars and AV apps - have left enough of a bad history that I have no intention of using them.
That's fine and your choice. DIM is just a lot nicer cause you get live time updates for numerous packs when they are available. You would be suprised how many updates to packs there are on a regular bases that you will never know about with installing manually.
And that is another reason I won't use them, again pointing at Adobe, and at Microsoft.
I've spent too many hours having to reinstall my freinds OS's, after an unwanted update has ruined an unrelated application, or altered system settings.
No, Thank-you,...
No, not the Beta stuff, it's older than the current version. There should be just a 4.8 in your product library...
As for the DIM...
1. You can use the DIM to just download. It's more like a 'traditional' download manager/get command, than an auto-updater/downloader by Adobe et al. It's a pretty simple program. It has a database of what files it has downloaded with version info and when YOU connect, to your account (you can even set it to not save your login info and then you'd have to login through it every use), it checks the versions for updates...most of what it does is kept local on your machine.
2 Most of what the DIM does is manage the content, which in no way can do anything to the host OS. And if it pooches anything it would be Studio...and then only on updates, but it has the same chance of doing it then as does running the installer, because for application installs, it calls the installer to do the deed. So if the program is going to be pooched, it would be the installer that does it, not the DIM.
3. I don't use it for installing, because even though the situation has improved a lot over the last two years, there are still too many things in the store that don't have a uniform upper/lower case naming convention, and since I'm using a case-sensetive file system you can imagine the mess that would be. BUT I do use it for downloading...and it uses 'standard' ports.
Not on a PC that's air-gapped to the internet for security.