'Parent in Place' is broken

Can anyone tell me if there is a reliable way to parent something to another thing and not have it jump around? Here is my situation:

I have a bunch of doors in my scene. I created a null, positined it at the pivot bar, and then parented the door to the null. It worked just fine for two sets of doors. But now, on a different set, in a virtually identical situation, I cannot parent without the stupid doors moving. I will have to eyeball this and just live with it if not.

I have tried so hard to like this software but it continues to feel like 10 years. And that's the charitable take.


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,639

    If you right click on one of the doors and select Change Parent, it should give you the option to Parent in Place or not. Are you sure Parent in Place is checked? If you just drag the door to the new parent, you don't have the option to select whether to parent in place or not. I think it just remembers the last used setting. Richard Haseltine could probably give you a more definitive explanation of how the drag and drop decide how to parent.

  • I have confirmed the checkbox is indeed checked. I don't know what the issue is. My solution is to duplicate the prop, then parent the thing as described. After which, I just eyeball the thing and get it into "close enough" position. I just have to chalk this up to random glitchiness.

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