Environments need the following to export to unreal properly

e.g: I'd like to export to Unreal a night city scene with lots of lights and emmsive materials etc.

The Current version of Daz to Unreal, has no support for :   1:  Emmisive materials
                                                                                               2:  Lights
                                                                                               3:  glass materials

I'/ left with a dark city in Unreal that would take me 2 weeks to light, it defeats the purpose of the bridge when it comes to environments,
Moreover, all normal map are inverted in Unreal, switching green channels evewhere is needed

This seems like fixable issues, vy adding material bases for the 3 cases I mentioned above to the unreal file ....

Should i spend 1 month doing it manually? or can i expect un update to fix these basic features?

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