DAZ Studio – Smart Content Problem

I was working on a rendering yesterday when my Smart Content screen went haywire. On the left side of Studio, when I select the Smart Content tab, under Selections I only get All Products, Default, and Wardrobe.  It’s the same whether I I choose Files or Products.  Normally I would get all the categories, Accessories, Figures, Hair, Poses, Props, etc, but they are gone.  I clicked on the Filter by Context box several times, since that can cause you to lose those categories depending on what you have selected, but no change.  Whether I select a figure, or have nothing at all in scenes, it’s the same. I uninstalled and re-installed Studio, but no change.  I don’t know if this is related to the DazCentral problem of giving every item an Order Date of “today”, or if I accidentally changed a setting somewhere.  Anyone else having this problem?  Any ideas on a solution?

416 x 1904 - 99K


  • There is a simple reason for this: Basically all store content SHOULD be tagged using categories under the Default parent. When this is the case the "Default" category is "Unwrapped" in the view so you cannot see it.

    What has happened here is that something has been categorised under "Wardrobe" instead of "Default/Wardrobe". If you click on Wardrobe to see the offending item, right-click and explore, then Right-click the item again and select Categorise then you can uncheck the entry under Wardrobe and re-categorise it under Default/Wardrobe. Hit accept to apply it and then right-click the navigation and select Refresh. This should put things back to how you expect.

  • Thanks but ... with a couple hundred items, figures, clothing, props, etc, ... that becomes a massive undertaking.  It also doesn't explain how to fix the things in the missing categories.  I tried to uninstall, then re-install a couple of items, which should have reset their categorization, but nothing changed.  Also, how could this have happened? One minute it was working fine, the next the categories were gone.  I certainly didn't go through all those items and change the categorization.

  • You have misunderstood - do not edit hundreds of items!  You will only need to fix the items that are in the wrong place. If you click on the "Wardrobe" in the Smart Content navigation it will show you the poorly categories items and you can fix them all at once using the steps above.

    Re-installation will do nothing if the bad-categorisation is coming from the original file. Do you allow Daz Studio to connect to the web or do you "Work Offline" - if you allow Daz to connect to the internet it can auto-update the categories which may explain why something is suddenly broken. Daz PAs do not have to categorise their products correctly in order for them to be published to the store.

    The categories are not gone at all - they are just now being shown under "Default" because atleast one item is categorised under "Wardrobe" instead of "Default/Wardrobe".

  • OK, got you now. I'd still like to know how it all got screwed up, but I can live with it as is.  Thanks!


  • It might have been something you did, it might have been an error in the store data. If it is store data it will still be visible, after recategorising, in the Content Library pane under Categories - if it's user data (something you set locally) it should probably be gone from there too. If it does look to be store data, from a Daz product, please report it via a ticket.

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