Coming Soon... Illicites For G3 [Commercial]

Coming Soon!!!!!
Illicites comes with - A custom face morph, a no brows option, and seperate genital maps just to name a few..
And... her makeups are all done with the LIE.. which means her makeups can all be layered and built up or used on other G3 characters
Illicites has 8 makeups, 4 fantasy makeups, 2 eyeliners and a smokey shadow overlay
10 Seperate lipcolors not including the ones with her specialty makeups
8 Eye color options
1 Eye Reflection
Illicites also has both 3dl and Iray shaders

1000 x 1300 - 777K

1000 x 1300 - 710K

1000 x 1300 - 900K

1000 x 1300 - 863K

1000 x 1300 - 702K

1000 x 1300 - 639K

1000 x 1300 - 726K
Post edited by Chohole on
Looks cool, and has genital maps; so I'll be a customer for sure.
Yeah thats one of those areas that hasnt been fairly easy to texture... All my G3 girls will come with those maps - for future reference :0)
Are there going to be 3Delight mats too?
You say there are 3dl settings could you please show some renders of her done in 3dl, she looks a very interesting character.
Thank you
Absolutely! She renders beautifully in 3dl.. her skin maps were not compressed - which means you get gorgeous high resolution skin. Her head map alone is roughly 10 mb! Ill try to post a few more renders through out the day.. but heres one to get you started :0)
Just a few more under different various lights:
No official templates for them makes it close to impossible.
Less than 10% of my shots require gens, but where a product doesn't support it then there has to be seriously complelling reasons to purchase... monetary resources are not anywhere near unlimited.
So this is great news. :)
Even with high end software it isnt all that easy - and I ended up including a special torso map to be used with the genitals in order to make it look nice and seamless. So Im glad to hear there was a demand for this after all :0)
Adaline has the seperate map, and it she is a great model. Glad you went to the trouble. :)
You say a no eyebrows option, would you consider offering different eyebrow colours? I usually get irritated with hair that is a different colour to the eyebrows. :(
Well Illicities is already through testing.. and shes just waiting for a release.. however I can try and accomadate this request for future releases :0) To me this sounds like an excellent idea!
Just purchased FWSA Bonnie and she has a serperate torso accompanying the genitals too; she seems great so far, so that is two with the seperate maps to accompany the genital maps. It also appears that is the only way to avoid seem issues, which the others all have which depending on the light and camera position can be bare noticeable to very obvious.
Good news you will consider for future models. :)
Thanks! Good to know.. I was curious how other merchants are handling this situation :0)
VERY interesting character! Particularly LOVE all the different makeups you've done - I am so bored with the standard "blue eyeshadow, red lipstick" skins :D :D
Thanks!!! She was a lot of fun to make!! She should be releasing very soon - hopefully over the weekend :0)
Hope her skin is obviously different to the releases so far - certainly looks promising. :)
Thank you; already downloading and will be testing it out later.
Wow!!! Excellent!! Hope you enjoy her :)
I would love to see what everyone does with her!! Lets see some renders :)
Doubt it, currently working on a skinny-leggy 6' 2" (185cm ish) brunette. I was trying out morphs and combining figures, and decided there might be a story there. :)
I've posted an image I did to the gallery; still looking at lighting her, seems to need a little different light than others I've done.
My picture , and this is a beautiful character :)
Well, here's my first effort with Illicites - such a great character with many possibilities, I'm sure she'll make her way to my fantasy scenes at some point as well. Loving the iRay skin too. Would have posted this quicker, however this scene exceeded my Graphics Card memory so was CPU rendered, only took 1day 8hours to get to this stage...
Thats Excellent Ka.. lovin the POV on that :)
I can sympathize with the renders taking that long. Simple scenes and promo images were taking me all night on my old computer.. I just recently upgraded to a nice custom workstation so I can do my renders more efficiently.. not wasting 20 plus hours to find out there a funky shadow somewhere..
Hi chevy, loving your new character; I have a request, would it be possible to reduce the number of characters to one in the character selection, there are currently four, two with and without iray and eyebrows; perhaps it would be something to move into the chevybabe25 folder. For me, just the Iray option with eyebrows would be ideal, but any of just one would be preferable to the four currently there?
Many thanks for the great figure.
Hey Nic - I will look into this. I would prefer to only have one myself in future packages :0)
Cool TY.
You are so very welcome