Transferring presets to a new PC
Posts: 97
in The Commons
Hey there,
I am transferring all my saved presets (characters, wearables etc.) to my new PC.
Those files that I have transferred from the old system are in the default location on the new system but when I open my presets via the Smart Content they don't show. Only the new preset that I created since using my new system show up even though the transferred presets are right there in that same location!
What am I doing wrong?
Cheers, Ian
Did you set all of your paths in the Content DIrectory Manager? (Edit menu/Preferences/Content tab/Content Directory Manager button at the bottom of the pane)
I purposely left all the settings to the DAZ Studio software defaults so I haven't changed any of the settings in the Content Directory Manager.
As I indicated before, I have installed all the transferred files into the default directory but the software isn't "seeing" any of the transferred items, just the newly made items even though they in the very same folder
I am really out of my depth here, is there a tutorial that could help me, perhaps?
I wouldn't recommend to just relie on keeping it default and then all is good.
There have been cases where content ended up on OneDrive. So have you actually looked what the paths are?
Furthermore, I wouldn't recommend having your content on the C drive, with a risk of filling it up or problems caused by Windows.
This may well not be an issue with where the files are - do you see them in the Content Library under Daz Studio Formats? Smart Content uses the database, not file location, so you wil need to have exported user data on the older system, transferred it to the new system, and reimported metadata on the new system. Export Userdata and reimport Metadata are both in the Content DB Maintenance dialogue available from the Content Library option menu (the lined/hamburger button in the top corner, orr right-click the tab) and the files are written to the /Runtime/Suport folder in the first Daz Studio Format content directory.
Many thanks, Richard.
Yes, I can locate my characters/wearables etc. within the Content Library.
I understand your instructions but, on my old system, i'm trying to workout where that 'first Daz Studio Format content directory' would be and what the content should look like.
Would the Exported Userdata be in a separate folder within that Support folder? I have done the 'Export Userdata' on my old system but am having trouble locating this exported data.
When I look in the Support folder where I think this data has been stored, there is almost 10,000 items in there but, skimming through it, I don't see any of my saved characters, wearables etc.
My other question is, when I do reimport that metadata onto the new system, is there going to be clash between the data that is already in the new system Support folder with the metadata being imported from the old system?
I appreciate your assistance on this, Richard and hope my ramblings make sense to you.
Cheers, Ian
The first content directory will be the top of the list under Daz Studio Formats in Content Directory Manager, via the Content Library option menu or Edit>Preferences>Content tab. There should be Userdata*.dsx file(s) with your data. Reimporting them on the new system should just add, it shouldn't cause an issue with existing entries.
I very much appreciate your help on this, Richard!
Thank you!