Placing a figure in correct place - how?
in The Commons
I have Stonemason's Urban Future 8 which is a fairly large scene. multiple levels. How can I place a G8 figure where I want it, on the correct level in the correct place? Is there a way to click on the floor in the location I want and then have the figure land there?
You can hold ALT while dragging a figure into the scene to place it on X and Z, but it doesn't do anything with Y, and it doesn't work with characters that are already in the scene, so I don't know how useful that information is to your current predicament.
I use Mcasuals script. Set up your camera where you want the figure, chose the figure in the scene tab and run the script. The figure comes to the area the camera is pointing at.
IMHO the X - Y - Z Translate Parameters are the easier way to move your figure where you want to move it.
For more precision in a very large Scene you should move the building itself and keep your figure at it's 0 - 0 - 0 position.
The Sliders value unit are cm.
as said above there is the script of mc casual "cometh here" which allows to move quickly and easily an object in front of you, there is a second script made by mc casual which I don't remember the real name and that I renamed "no more black sclera" which allows by choosing a character to move everything in the same configuration but having the character placed in 0,0,0
for me these two scripts are essential
sorry if I explain badly but I use a translator
You can hold CTRL when you double-click the pose, then uncheck the translation boxes in the Pose Preset Load Options dialog box that pops up.
Then, if you want to use that pose at zero again, you can save it as a pose preset.
thanks. just got it downloaded and will give it a go later. It sounds like exactly what i want.
ii fiond it near impossible to move a figure using x,y,z dials within a large multilevel scene. Perhaps leaving the figure at zero would be possible, but then , in the case of multilevel buildings, the lower floors will be under the ground plane. Urban Future 8 has openings where you can see all levels from any other, so not sure if its under the ground plane you can see will check that out.
You can turn off draw ground, or, if you set the ground position to "automatic" in render settings, the ground will appear below the lowest item in the scene.
thanks. that's cool for sure as that has been an issue for me. It might also help with Ultraceney where that terrain is above the ground plane... just zap that ground plane and not have to deal with it.
I thought "Draw Ground Off / On" was a basic thing to know, sorry!
I use a similar script that used to be available at Rendo. It's great for adding zero-loaded props to a scene.
For precision placement: Face To Face And Virtual Origins
I found the link of the script and big mistake of my part the creator is not mc casual but chris-2599934
here is the link for those who are interested...
I tend to work the opposite way.
I keep the figure centred and move the scenery around to the spot I want.
It makes things easier since everything loads centred anyway