Demetria Outfit missing hood?
in The Commons
I can't seem to see the hood for this outfit in the items I purchased. I assumed it was attached to the coat, but it doesn't appear to be in the product.
Did I miss something and was this not part of the outfit? Does anyone know please? Thank you
It's not part of the promos showing the various textures, so I'd say it's probably not included.
The hood is actually only seen in the main promo and none of the other.
So my guess is that the hood is not included, although it is rather misinformative.
Looking at it more closely, it looks a lot like the one from this outfit (with the trim recolored blue):
An underststement IMHO. The main promo image for a set of clothing that includes an item it doesn't come with? That should have been indicated either on the image itself or in the product description, don't you think? A simple *hood not included would have avoided any confusion.
probably a multitude of hoods one could use instead (I frequently poach hoods for Filament) but that's not the point
It does state on the page what is included
What's Included and Features
@Leanna, Thank you, i think that hood on the link looks like the one.
Thanks everyone. I appreciate you taking the time to reply.
I agree that when you look at the images for the product...there's no hood showing. I should have not been so excited to buy it without looking properly. I find it very very annoying that sellers are using other items to make their promo's, especially if they don't say in the notes, that there are other items such as.....bla bla bla ... used in the promo. It screams false advertising to me.
I know they name the stuff included but they probably also name and link the hood if it is sold at DAZ
is a bit different to using a hair or character (or prop)
(or if they did and DAZ did not include that as some PAs have said happens, DAZ should include that)
I would have at least then thought it was part of the bigger bundle this was in too as in that this promo is shown too
As it was in a bundle i hadn't seen this.
Great looking outfit... especially with the hood.
I usually check the other promo images before I buy something, so the hood's absence would have probably been noticed, but that's pretty misleading... probably not intentionally, but the main promo image really should be corrected, because that hood makes the outfit and realistically, hoods usually aren't entirely separate items... so a lot of people are going to assume it's included.
None of those links work
Individual parts don't seem to be available in the store for now, only the full outfit
Yeah, these kind of items don't belong in the main promo. The same goes for dForce Queens Wrath; If I didn't reconginze the item, I'd fully expect the headgear to be part of it.
I don't want to click on an item and read the contents, only to realize the only thing that made me look at it is not part of the offer.
I think this is one time the 'additional products used' would have been most useful to the customer. I really wish the promo pages provided them more often, rather than advertising unrelated products currently on sale.
I have the outfit the hood comes from and I don't think I ever used it because of the morph for the ears. But seeing that it can be used for a normal head adds to its usefulness to me.
The main promo image for this set has been updated.
They are a copy and paste from the page just to show what is included in the pack you buy.