M16 rifle

I've been looking all over the DAZ shop for a M16 rifle prop but the only one I've found is in http://www.daz3d.com/usmc-marine-for-michael-4 and an addon for that. I don't really want to pay 25$ for just a gun prop...
If the modern weapons collection ( http://www.daz3d.com/modern-weapons-collection-1 ) that came a few days ago had included the M16 instead of the Kalashnikov, I would have bought it in an instant. Perhaps such a pack could be made?
Or does anybody know if there's somewhere I can find a M16?
Panko, over at Renderosity and OnTarget3D has one....in his 'Modern Assault Rifle' set.
Thanks for your replies! I'm still so new to this whole thing and wasn't aware that there's a whole world out there with stuff to use in DAZ studio. :)