Forum Defect
in The Commons
There seems to be some sort of defect in the Forums concerning the request to "unhide" specific categories that have been hidden. Every time I select to unhide a category, I get the following message:
"Something has gone wrong.
We've run into a problem and are unable to handle this request right now.
Please check back in a little while."
Checking back later delivers the same response, over and over.
MODERATORS: any chance of passing this along to the Forum gurus to get this fixed?
You might want to open a support ticket too.
I've had a ticket open for 9 months - absolutely no movement on it, even when I asked for an update Ticket no. 398810
I get the feeling that the forum software was purchased from a liquidation sale of a liquidator that bought whatever dusty crap was left in the back room of the last Incredible Universe store to close in back 97'... To be fair it probably worked pretty good on whatever Tandy computers it was originally designed for.
I posted a ticket and got an almost immediate response that they were unaware of the issue but were able to duplicate it and send it off to the gurus to correct it. They were most thankful that I had reported it.
Don't hold your breath - like I said I raised it 9 months ago and it was passed onto the gurus then, and that ticket is still open.
UPDATE 10-6-22
I was informed by DAZ that this has been sent on to the "powers that be" after being duplicated, and that they had no idea if and when it woud be corrected; and that the ticket was being CLOSED. Seems to me that the people who created/run/maintain the forum should be held accountable to DAZ, or not get paid. SOMEONE needs to be responsible.
This isn't a big issue, but is part of the overall forum operation.