CARRARA CHALLENGE #64: Old egypt..... WIP

Your challenge is to do a render/animation of Old Egypt inspired scene.
Egypt can be: Nile landscape, desert villages, temples, tombs, mummies, pharaohs, modern city in Egypt ancient city ruins etc. Animations of Egyptian figures etc. Whatever you can associate with mist egyten
Old egypt resources:-
Images on Google: Look at OLD EGYPT.
Egypt inspired items:-
YOU can do up to 4 carrara renders/animations including in an external renderer for which there is a carrara plug-in (eg LuxRender, Octane) with your interpretation of the theme.
Images must be new, unpublished before the start of this challenge, but derivations of previous work allowed.
A WIP (work in progress) image must be posted to the WIP thread.
Content Use
Use of any and all content is allowed Subject to the Forum Terms of service.
Used content should be credited in the Entry Thread.
Participants are encouraged to create or modify content, but it is not required.
Post-work is allowed and welcome.
Entrants are encouraged, but not required, to explain their post-work in the WIP thread so that others can learn from it.
At least a brief description of post-work done should be included with the final entry in the Entry Thread.
The winner of the Challenge gets to pick the theme for the next Challenge and to make changes to the rules if they wish.
The winner of the Challenge will be the host for the next Challenge, but they may pass the hosting duties to any of the other winners if both agree, or to any other member of the forum if none of the winners is able or willing to host the next Challenge.
Thank you to our generous sponsor DAZ3D for offering the following awards to the winners:
1st Place: $75.00 towards DAZ3D owned item(s)
2nd Place: $50.00 towards DAZ3D owned item(s)
3rd Place: $40.00 towards DAZ3D owned item(s)
4th Place: $30.00 Towards DAZ3D OWNED ITEM(s)
(Can only Win Once)
DATES to Remember-
WIP Thread Opens: Saturday, 01 october2022
1. Nov Startet entry
23.Nov start Voting
30. Nov end Voting
Great theme!
Are prizes being awarded only for single renders, or is total participation (votes on multiple renders) also counted?
@Khoe. Good choice of theme. I will be thinking of ideas.
Carrara forum people, here is some inspiration from 90 years ago. While 90 years ago may seem like a lot, we are closer in time to Cleopatra than she was to the building of the pyramids. Now that is a long time ago!
Enjoy some classic Boris Karloff and be inspired.
A while ago, I made a Carrara dynamic hair freebie in an ancient Egyptian style.
You can find it at ShareCG. Maybe someone can put it to good use.
Work in Progress Diomede #1 - Gift of the Nile Landscape
This was done from general online maps, but I bet the actual elevation data is available somewhere. I brought some maps of egypt into an image editor and began converting to some crude heightmaps. I also created a graident from the bottom to the top so that the highlands would be in the south and the lowlands in the delta.
In Carrara, I inserted a terrain model. I deleted the default mountain generator. I then imported the heightmaps I made in my image editor. I stacked 6. I also used an erosion filter, rain, set extremely low. Perhaps 0.3% effect and 30% smoothing.
I then used a layer's list shader on the terrain so that I could apply different shaders to the river, the fertile lands near the river, and the high desert to the east and west. The oceans are just planes colored blue.
Khoe - excellent theme !!!
UB - come on, you can do four renders just for fun !!!
Diomede - great start !!!
Me - got a few ideas lined up, just need to start !!!
Only a single rendering can win. Only the best wins, not who makes the most renderings. there should be as many different winners as possible.
My first stepp

Rigging the Figur (i fond it at Sketchfab) and Rigging the Camel.
some whackjobs think these are incadescent lights
most think they are lotus flowers
I have another idea and it involves over compensating
Nice Idee :)
I explained my position to you in a PM. My position hasn't changed.
In that case, I will only be entering a single render. I may do several WIP's, but I will only enter one. I can give a detailed reason for this at a later date if requested.
At least 6 years ago, Headwax introduced the idea of having a multiple render category to increase participation. It seemed a great idea to me - although a few did not agree - and we have been including a "best participation" category as part of the prize-winning structure ever since.
Prizes have been typically structured as follows:
1st prize - single render with most votes.
2nd prize - most votes including total renders of an artist.
3rd prize - single render with the second most votes.
4th prize - second most votes including total renders of an artist.
There have been several variations to this formula over the years. But the general idea has not changed (until the last Challenge).
Khoe, I ask you to consider returning the "best participation" category in some way. You are of course free to structure the Challenge as you wish. I can only state my preferences and what seems logicall and fair to me.
Even though I disagree on the prize structure, I think that you are off to a great start on everything else. And of course, I will support the Challenge probably untill I am dead.
Well, there may have been other ways to award the prize, but I made a conscious decision to go with this one and coordinated it with Daz (sponsor). For example, I'm someone who prefers to finish a picture and therefore doesn't have time to start further. You can send in several pictures and the jury then has to distribute the votes. If someone is 2,3,4 pictures far ahead, only the one with the most votes will be counted. as many as possible should receive a prize. (My opinion) Everything else will lead to problems sooner or later. Because many will never get a Changce.. Of course I also understand the other side we can create 4-5 top pictures. A lot of people can't do that at this time. So no further discussion. If the next one wins, then they can do it like this. Thank you, greetings Klaus
Khoe, I believe that you are misunderstanding my position. I suspect that language translation is an issue.
In the recent past, winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) have been a MIXTURE of most votes for a single render, and most votes for total renders. Neither side is favored. Those who only do one render, and those who do multiple renders both get a chance to win a prize, because an artist can win only one prize. For example, someone who wins a prize for total renders, cannot win another prize.
Fully excluding the multipile render category is not fair in my opinion. Those who do multiple renders end up competing against themselves.
And further, there are no "problems" with this method. We have been using it for years.
Again, you can do it the way you want. All I can do is respond according to what I think promotes more participation, and is fair.
More Freebies - Musical Instruments
Going through my old stuff I found some more Egyptian-related models. Unfortunately, in migrating computers a few years ago I must have broken the links to the texture maps. Hopefully, someone might still find these useful. The dual-pipes are rigged.
See attached ZIP file.
Yet One More Freebie - Egyptian Collared Dress for G2F
Same issue - the shader texture maps are missing. This is just a static prop dress that fits the default G2F. You can use VWD on it as is. If so, I recommend 'nailing' the collar in place. You could also import it into that free plugin, Daz Studio, and use the transfer utility to make it a conforming figure. You could even use Carrara's softbody physics.
See attched zip file in next post with the music pic.
These Egyptian musical instruments, hair, and dress were created for Challenge 31: Music for My Eyes. Inspired by this ancient Egyptian wall art.
Used Michael2 and the old Egypt stuff for M3, the fence is from Poser World and I modelled the tenctacles and all the other models... used the 360 using the method in 'Where in the World'
and then used Comic Life for the speech balloon.
Who Brung the Duck!
Hmm, was thinking about a Camel entry for one of mine, will watch and see how this one develops !!!
Thanks for the Freebies !!!
Glorius start Stezza !!!
Great choice Khoe!
Everybody's off to a trffific start.
Apologies for not commenting earlier - my old Ipad can no longer long in on daz site , and it's what I usually use when I am not at the desktopp ;(
Tried a few different browsers - no joy
well those clouds are a flaring here on Windoze Chrome too
I wanna smash some lava lamps
Khoe - camel and rider, off to a good start.
Stezza - aliens and pyramids, hilariously creative. The duck must have taken a left turn at Albuqurque.
Many interestet objekt you can found at:
Searchword: Egypt or Desert.
Sphinx WIP 1
Just getting started !!!
Sphinx WIP - 2
Getting more Egyptian !!!
Sphinx WIPs and Render
WIP of scene setup
Raw render
Postwork - used Topaz Adjust 5 to bring out colours and details
Final Image
~.~ well ,,,,idk of anything too say ,,,,
i guess , thought i had somethig more to say //
and There is No Pyrimnd Primatives in Carrara ( like there is in Bryce ) thanx
Have some pyramids.
The attached ZIP file has
- a pyramid in Carrara vertex object format that is UVMapped and easily editable.
- a pyramid in Carrara primitive format
Bunyip02 - I love your sphinx-like guy! Great job.