Prestige Office Furniture Addons No Positional Preset Files

Recently got the great looking product just not sure why there are no positional presets for the furniture addons, as thought there may have been some going by the products promo images and store pages. sad


  • nabob21nabob21 Posts: 1,031

    I was disappointed to find the same issue with the Honeymoon Bungalow Bundle that Polish released a while ago. 

  • Ghosty12Ghosty12 Posts: 2,068

    nabob21 said:

    I was disappointed to find the same issue with the Honeymoon Bungalow Bundle that Polish released a while ago. 

    This is what I can't work out, why they could not of been added into the products, as they must of been something there since the promo images had the scene set that could been used. And yes I am disappointed as well, and will make me think more before buying stuff in the future. sad

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878
    Isn't that what the furniture scene subsets are for? The individual furniture objects are "zero props" so you can easily kitbash your own setups.
  • Ghosty12Ghosty12 Posts: 2,068

    barbult said:

    Isn't that what the furniture scene subsets are for? The individual furniture objects are "zero props" so you can easily kitbash your own setups.

    The problem is, is that the scene subsets are zeroed as well, so when you load in a few subssets they all pile up in the middle of the room.  Maybe I have been spoiled with other products, providing a furniture placement preset for the product. It would just be cool to have a basic placement preset, for all of that products subsets and go from there.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878
    Oh, I understand.
  • Steel RatSteel Rat Posts: 398

    The description specifically says there is a preload scene, but there isn't one.

    Kitbashing is all well and good, but when you have to spend hours/days just to get something usable, not acceptable.

  • savagestugsavagestug Posts: 178

    Has this issue been fixed by the PA?

  • AabacusAabacus Posts: 407

    I recreated it. It's about 95%. I didn't have time for the cameras. Maybe one of you fine folks can do that part!

    Prestige Business Office - Set.duf
  • Ghosty12Ghosty12 Posts: 2,068

    Aabacus said:

    I recreated it. It's about 95%. I didn't have time for the cameras. Maybe one of you fine folks can do that part!

    Thank you for the awesome work. smiley

  • Thank you for this, Aabacus! Bought this bundle on sale today and was startled to find out that the prop subsets loaded at zero.

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