About that Victoria 9 HD Bundle pre-order content
I'm still waiting for the bundle FAQ. There's been info about V9 HD features but that's not what I'm looking for. So far all I've seen is a vague statement that in addition to Victoria 9 HD the bundle will include "poses, expressions, outfits, hair, and more." That is not enough information to make me spend nearly $80 on a pig in a poke.
If others are waiting on more information before pre-ordering the Victoria 9 HD Bundle, what would you like to know? I'm asking specifically about pre-ordering the Bundle now rather than later.
If you have pre-ordered the bundle then what are you expecting? ("I just wanted it" is a perfectly valid answer)
For example, before I would pre-order the bundle I'd need to know:
- what's actually in the pre-order bundle (images would be best but even descriptions would be something),
- what kind of poses? Sitting? Running? Standing? Super Hero? Boudoir? Riverdance?
- expressions? Well, you get a pass here because I expect it to be a collection of generic expressions.
- what kind of outfits? More bikinis that look like underwear? blouse/pants style outfits? long dress? short dress? fantasy armor that looks like it was designed by Frederick's of Hollywood? business attire? Flats? or high heels only?
- what kind of hair? Razor-girl? ponytail? 1980's big hair styles? short bob? mohawk? shaved? straight? curly?
- is the HD pre-order bundle replacing the "Pro" bundle or will "Starter" and "Pro" bundles come later, (maybe a Mega-Bundle?)
- will buying the pre-order HD bundle get us a better price than available on launch day?
- what about the super discounts on other items that we'd normally get if we bought the "Pro" bundle on release day? Will we still get those?
Oddly, the last three questions are the most influential.
I would like to know all of that before I hand them $80.
I'm guessing the launch bundle will be decided by what's gone through QA on the appointed date and how they want to split not safe for school vs anatomical stuff, and if the morph packs are bundled separately. There's no rush. Starter essentials will be a thing. The pre-launch has already gone from 51 to 62% for plat club members, it'll go lower.
There is already a thread (two threads, in fact) for Genesis/Victoria 9.