looking for Tutorial Ivy generator

I had loaded the tool for a long time and also used it, but I can't get it to work anymore. There was a tutorial but unfortunately I can't find it anymore either. The link on the page doesn't seem to be active anymore. can someone help.
I would like to grow bougainvillea on a house.
Or download here > https://carraracafe.com/download/8967/
I think there was also a video tutorial, maybe I was wrong there too.
There is also a standalone version that I like (http://ivy-generator.com/) There you can see and control how it grows. Unfortunately, the tool is older and in 32-bit so that it no longer works on Mac, not even on Mojave. very bad. But you can still use it on the Windows emulation. But maybe something exists on another site or has been further developed.
there's just a lot of trial and error with the script that's in Carrara. The results are very nice but a lot of coincidence. Maybe there is a further development ;)
Edit: I found Version 1.3 for mac it Works fine :)