Color differences between Render window and final file

Hi everybody!

Is there a way do configure color profile on render window? I realized that the colors on render window are more vibrant than the final file, final file colors are more flatten.
Is there a way to see exact the same color on render window and final file?
It's not cool see a color and the result appears different.

Follow attached a screenshot that represents what I'm talking about.


color example.jpeg
1280 x 551 - 144K


  • This will be a function of how your viewer treats untagged images, it isn't something that cn be set on the Daz Studio side.

  • odds are pretty good your final file (in the case the tif) will look different in photoshop or photoviewer or on your second monitor if you have one and on a friends monitor. 
    you can put the vibrance back in with photoshop and I imagine gimp as a similar control setting. 

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