Anyone Else Seeing Improved Load Times?

wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,417
edited October 2022 in Daz Studio Discussion

Regarding load times, as mentioned elsewhere my load times are back to what they were a number of versions ago.

Everyone agrees that the more morphs and characters in a generation/gender you have, the longer the load times. I've used Riversoft Art's scripts to remove unused morphs, and it did help, but I turned them all back on again as having hundreds of character and shaping morphs turned off  did help with load times, but it removed the ability to tweak new characters by testing different morphss. All of my morphs are currently "on".

However, I suspect that the number of morphs is not the *only* factor in load times.

For me, load times skyrocketed a few versions back, overnight. This held true for even Genesis 1 load times. This wasn't solely because of an increased number of characters or morphs in the first generation of Genesis, because at the time I wasn't buying any of that generation. As well, people started complaining about the increased times all at the same time.

Something else fairly subtle happened then as well. I was using a fair number of Genesis 3 toon characters (up to 20 in a scene) and was using Genesis 1's Hiro 5 and Hitomi anime eyebrows on my characters, who were using 3DUniverse's ToonGen2 materials (which had no eyebrows). When I (very slowly) loaded my Genesis 3 characters, none of the eyebrows worked anymore.

My thought at the time was that the programmers had probably added a decimal place or two in their calculation formulas, which would account both for the greatly-increased load times as well as shifting things like the eyebrows. Moreover, I couldn't delete and re-fit the eyebrows.

Fast-forward to "now". I did load tests on October 7th and found that loading the G3-filled scene took just under 18 minutes, while loading the same scene using custom toon characters too almost exactly one minute.

Today, the G3 scene took just under two-and-a-half minutes, while the custom toon version loaded in about 22 seconds. The only things different are the character base models, the G3 having multiple external character/morph sets while the custom toons don't. The bridge set, clothing and custom props are identical. I think the difference in the new load times between the two scenes details the difference in load times the external morphs take.

Moreover, I've reopened the older scene with twenty G3 characters and all of the Hiro5 and Hitomi anime eyebrows are now back in place.

Are anyone else's experiences similar?


EDIT: I forgot to add that I'm now using version

2198 x 1224 - 680K
2078 x 1172 - 621K
Post edited by wsterdan on


  • Ki-JenKi-Jen Posts: 64
    edited October 2022

    Not for me. I tried a scene with five Genesis 3 and one Genesis 2 figures, including clothing and background scenery. Loading time was 120 seconds on both of my versions, beta and

    Post edited by Ki-Jen on
  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,417

    Thanks for the info, those are pretty much the times I'm getting now, but I haven't been getting quick load times for quite a while.I'm not sure what the reason is, if you haven't experienced any differences with the new build.

    Thanks again.

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