wrestling, catfight, whatever you want to call it, for Genesis 3

Yes, I've looked in Renderosity, and they only have poses for V4.  It's time for DAZ to step up with wrestling material for Genesis 2 or Genesis 3.


  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930

    What kind of wrestling poses do you have in mind? I have some fighting/wrestling poses in the works for Genesis 2/3.

  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,517
    colinmac2 said:

    It's time for DAZ to step up with wrestling material for Genesis 2 or Genesis 3.

    ... and become as vulgar as ....???

  • pwiecekpwiecek Posts: 1,582

    As far as Daz (the company) is concerned, I'm pretty sure that has always been in the realm of the PA's

  • walterellwalterell Posts: 1

    I have many wrestling, catfichts and sword fights from renderosity and daz studio. It's a pitty that i can 't use them with genesis characters.

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