farewell carrara

Hello Carrara community, or what's left of it...
Carrara has always been for me a very well structured 3D software with a very strong creative potential !
The community that followed him was not left out. I still don't understand why Daz didn't capitalize on such a promising too l?!
By letting Carrara vegetate on its impressive capabilities with regard to its price and its creative capabilities, the 3D competition
has slowly caught up, then improved many of its initially original and very effective functions.
Now, Carrara is outdated and its structure now seems too rigid to stand up to a Cinema 4D or a Blender.
I had long hoped for a " CARRARA Z " :
which would have updated the already very powerfulexisting functions
by offering a modern integrated rendering engine... but no... nothing.
. Good luck to the latest users.
long live 3D creation!

the long Goodbye https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/508351/bye/p1
I don't think you really want to go
AI... that latent space looming over us with it's tensor flows is going to make everything redundant anyway
Will miss your posts and Carrara Challenge contributions
I agree that Daz Studio should or at least could have done a lot of great things with Carrara but from what i see now, blender seems to be much easier and have already very nice sculpting tools and even the hair system with cycles is a great tool.
Daz dynamic hair would be awesome if it would get a better support that it can also be used in other applications but maybe it needs to get converted first (also an option i would like to see native within Carrara).
An integrated GPU renderer would be pretty nice so Iray support seems to be perfect for supporting with Daz Iray settings.
But well, somehow it looks a little like DS have just got Carrara to extract the modeler and name it Hexagon as it really seem to be very similar but anyway. I don't know why they don't do anything more with Carrara, maybe it's because that many people are using blender with an already build in export/import function.
I just started to work with blender myself but still use some functions from Carrara's modeler as they still seem to be easier to handle in the way i like it.
But Carrara will stay my main software for rendering (with octane)
It is weird to see the OP lament the dwindling of the Carrara community - yet again - and virtually never make any attempt to contribute to the Carrara community.
There are people here who are actively keeping Carrara alive, and there are people who seem more interested in another agenda.
But as Wendy inferred, it probably won't matter when the tip of the AI iceberg rises and its actual size and influence becomes apparent.
Same here. As a non-modeler doing short animations with purchased characters/props/etc., I don't feel I'm missing any features. And I dread the thought of switching horses, especially given my vast collection of Carrara compatible elements (400+ GB). Plus most actions have become second nature, no thinking "how do I do that?"
But I can see that some will need the more advanced features, I'm guessing mostly modeling.
Yup. I just finished a short animation for a contest, reminded me how much fun it is to work in Carrara ... and then with Particle Illusion as a plugin in the Vegas video editor.
Very similar, because that was a 'new' product made by the creators of Carrara before Daz 3d bought them out (Eovia).
So in a sort of crazy way, the fact that they're now going to be further developing Hexagon is kinda like keeping a piece of Carrara alive, but within Daz Studio (or rather, bridged to it).
I've been away from Carrara for a while now, learning Daz Studio. But not to say goodbye - more to make sure I'd never have to. My stint in DS was not to switch from Carrara, but rather to open it up to more possibilities. As I guessed from the start... it works!
I sometimes forget how foreign Carrara was to me at first, which is why I say that I don't think Blender is easier. More powerful and up-to-date, yes. Easier? Not for me.
Like others are saying, I love Carrara for the ease of animating. While I don't ever want to be a 3d modeler, I love to model, and I love modeling in Carrara - so that says something. To me it makes a huge difference when the modeler is part of the app. But even more, I love the whole experience from start to finish in Carrara. Animating literally anything is such a breeze!
I was following some tutorials about animating in Blender. While I can see that it's probably really an excellent animation tool, I just got frustrated with how hard it can be to figure out what to do in order to get to the next step. In Carrara, it's kind of in-your-face as to what to do. Antoinne's idea of the perfect UI plays right into my tastes for how I like to work.
Eovia - any and all of you: Thank You So Much for making my Dream Software!!!
Daz 3d - any and all of you: Thank You So Much for keeping Carrara alive when you did, and then upgrading it to 64 bit multi-thread and then adding Genesis support, all of the handy new features and compatibilities... Thank You!
Daz 3d, maybe after you get Hexagon how you'd like it, maybe put that team on Carrara? We'd love to see some upgrades! ;)
Even if not, I doubt I'll even stop using it.
I second that opinion. Carrara lets me think about what I want to do, rather than how to do it.
Nice slogan! They should put that on the cover of Carrara 2023!
You can see that Daz somehow has a development backlog. different software was bought but only used to a limited extent. The problem seems to be that the Mac is causing problems due to the omission of 32-bit support and the omission of Quicktime. there is probably too much to adjust.
But I'll continue to use it via Parallels and Mojave Carrara for as long as I can. In fact, I'm diving deeper and deeper into the software and only now am I learning what's possible. Of course there are things that are easier to do in other software with just one click, but I can't control anything. I just keep hoping that at some point it will continue.
That's why I've also firmly established myself here in the forum, even though I don't have English as my mother tongue. Only simple school English that was taught 40 years ago was also bad.
Just don't give up as long as we prove again and again that we still use Carrara and create images / animations that can still compete with others, there is hope.
Example Challenge which is supported by Daz.
I often forget that English isn't your native tongue. Sometimes its fairly obvious, other times (like what you just said above) it's better than a lot of English speaking folk.
I'm very glad that you're here, doing what you do. You have an Excellent eye for your art. You also contribute really well with the community!
I completely agree about the control thing. That's one of my favorite things about Carrara. I mean, it not only gives the control, but the controls are right there, easy to use, and even better... they Work!
I know that there's a market for this software and for Bryce. The forum is one thing, but there are so many more people that don't even use forums, but have and use Carrara. My brother is an amazing engineer and his company sends work to a small animation shop to make videos for their presentations. He (my bro) thought that it looked a lot like the stuff I do, so he brought one home and showed it to me. I asked if they use Carrara. After asking the company, they confirmed it. It's such a magical suite of 3D tools and nothing else is quite like it, since they added support for Poser/Daz 3d figures, props, poses... the whole nine yards.
I know I'm crazy, butI'm still optimistic. I have this crazy gut feeling that some day Daz 3d is going to put Bryce and Carrara back into development. All I can say is, keep asking for it in surveys and polls!
Thank you Dartan I hope, as you do, that it will continue. There really are a lot of people who use Carrar and Bryce simply because they've learned the basics and will continue to use this for as long as possible. My opinion on this is simply that we should try to create the highest quality images here and show that it is possible. If there is interest from newcomers or users coming back. it was very similar for me. First Bryce, then Carrara, then lost interest simply because I couldn't take the chances. Eventually I found your Woodland preset. It clarified a lot of how and why something is done, then Lightdooms etc. Suddenly I had a real vibe. Then the hobby of photography helped me with the knowledge of light and shadow as well as image composition. Everything together led to the restart in Carrara, the results are impressive. Then there's the forum and everyone who's still developing plugins, which also gives some hope for the future. Because there are enough ideas and potential.