voss hair missing for victoria 9 intro bundle preorder
Posts: 343
Hi. I already preordered victoria intro bundle, from what i understand those who preorder gets free voss hair. But checking things out, voss hair is not included, and I still have to pay for voss hair?
Post edited by videoninja719 on
I was also under the same impression. I thought Voss hair and a bikini was to be added to those who preordered the intro bundle.
Voss hair was also supposed to be free with the base package pre-order, but I didn't get it.
It should be added later - the servers are slammed so they did the bundle/base character first and the bonus items will follow.
Thank you for the update Richard :-)
Thanks, Richard!
Thank you Richard
I only see the essentials. Where's all the pre-order stuff?
edit: Ah, I've got tons (literally thousands of products) of older stuff I haven't re-installed since moving to a "new" (now old) machine. I have no idea how to find the new genesis 9 stuff out of this list.
Are you using DIM to install? If so I found it in my giant list by sorting by Package Date