Mccasual's script plugins not working in Studio 4.8
Because DAZ refuses to update their animation tool set I have been using Mccasual's fine set of scripts for constraints and movement controls during animation. They worked fine up to 4.8 but now they no longer work. Hands and feet that used to stay constrained now have unpredictable behaviors as do the deform nodes used by the scripts. Is anyone else using these scripts and having success? I realize I might be doing something different now, but I sure don't know what that might be. The scripts are easy to use.
Which scripts in particular?
I use a bunch of his scripts, frequently...and have had no problems with them.
Plus he is very active on the forums and if you do have a problem with one, usually, if you PM him or post in the script's thread 9if it's findable) he'll get back to you quickly and/or fix/update the problem, but the specific one with the problem needs to be stated.
Sorry about not being more specific. I mentioned contraining the hands and feet so I am talking about autolimb specifically. I make the target node for the hand or foot and parent it to the bone/prop I wish to constrain. When I run the script the hand immediately jumps off of the target node. It appears if does follow the movement of the parented target, but in the wrong location. I have tried this several times and noticed the same problem. Abrupt movement of the hand or foot away from the location of the target node. I have also had problems with the lag effect script not doing anything when I run it. No lag or movement at all of the specified deformer.
I didn't know he was still around so thanks, I will try and contact him direct and see if 4.8 has changed the scripting.