Metamorphosis, head/body morphs for Genesis 3 Female [Commercial]

Shape your Muse with Mix'n'Match Head and Body Morphs
Hearken back to the days of the Old Masters when they painted women with soft curves. These women have gentle countenances and their bodies are petite to ample.
The six head morphs and six body morphs give you the ability to mix and match them. The presets will apply each morph at 100%, with an additional head and body preset to remove the morphs. When using the presets, it is recommended that you use the remove preset before applying another morph preset.
I made these morphs with much influence from the Pre-Raphaelite paintings and photographs from the late 1800s. I wanted to try and give some flexilibilty by separating the head and body morphs. This allows you to use the head morphs with Victoria or Eva 7's body or vice versa. The morphs were created on the Genesis 3 Female. They will mix with the Victoria and Eva 7 morphs, but since these are morphs of the Genesis 3 Female, you would need to do lower mixtures rather than use at full percentage. Mixing full head or body morphs should always be attempted with the sliders in percentages lower than 100 as more than one part of the body or head is in use with the morphs, whether the morphs within the Metamorphosis set or other DAZ characters. You can also modify by trying out percentages of the morphs in DAZ's head and body morph sets.
I utilized Khory's lovely pose set, Lend Her Grace, , in the making of the promos. Cameras were set with a focal distance of 120. I tried to list all products used in the promos; you can see this on the product page.
I hope you find the morphs to your liking and get lots of usage from them. I welcome all comments, suggestions and questions and would love to see your renders.
These are the bodies. I really wanted to give a variety of shapes. Womanly curves, shapely, where breasts could be small or large, but always soft and feminine.