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Happy to hear that you had success too!
Quick example...G8M wearing the Core Zone hoodie for G9. Super happy with the results.
Thanks Catherine, worked perfectly for G3F
You're welcome Mattymanx -- that's quite the "power walker" :-)
n.b. to all, sometimes for some clothing, additional "little morphs" might be required for particular poses or extreme character shapes, this is normal even on the clothing pieces that were made for whichever figure.
Hello, and thanks for the tutorial Catherine, I have a questiong. is any way to minimize strange deformations that happen wen we autofit clothign and use pose in the character? what I mean some times using s pose, the cloting streach like is glue to a part of the bodie.
Yes, the 'new' clothing may require some adjustment morphs to deal with the Partial Joint Control Morphs in the target figure. I have a tutorial on how to make those too. Plus there are video tutorials made by others on YouTube. Or for a quick fix, one scene type thing, one can make a quick morph to address the issue.
If the figure is an extreme morph character [i.e. a Gorilla], then it may also require a Full Body Morph to be made. And yes I have a tutorial for that as well.
Using auto-fit to make clothing is a starter. All the same issues as one encounters when making clothing from scratch can start at this point too. There are some products in the store to help with these issues for the previous generations, but not yet for Genesis 9. Sickleyield might be working on something, we hope.
For some clothing items, it can be better to export out an .obj file. For eg. load G9, load the one piece of clothing, dial in the clone shape of the target figure, hide all except that one clothing piece - export that out as .obj. Load target figure and import in the .obj file. Make the clothing. [n.b. .obj must be landing exactly where it should be - if it is not, make it so it does]
In making 'new' clothing, one then may have some options [depending upon whether or not various products were purchased] to use Projection Templates which may contain some morphs, etc. to help the new clothing get a good start.
In making clothing from an .obj -- I recall near the beginning of these features being available, that one had to use one of the template options [at the bottom of the dialog] in order to get ANY bones into the clothing. Better late than never I guess, I've recently discovered that no we don't have to use one of those templates SO if anybody is trying to make gloves or footwear requiring toe bones -- don't use the templates and then the clothing should have 'all' the bones [except the face ones of course] of the Source figure.
n.b. Before saving ANY morphs, etc. for the 'new' clothing item, FIRST SAVE the clothing item [use different name, folders, not to overwrite the original product].
What an interesting thread, I followed the guide step by step (I'm actually familiar with the process) unfortunately in the end when I dress my G8F this is what I get, I've tried many times from zero and get the same results, any idea what I could be doing wrong? Thanks
- After applying the G8F clone to G9 I noticed the skeleton in edit mode don't match, I mean the heigh from G9 match G8F but not the skelleton
-With the previous idea, I followed the guide as the pdf says and then rigging the G8F before exporting after adjusting the thighs pose and same result
That's interesting.
1. No need to touch the rigging. Clones are not required to be rigged. And given that the G9 clone you made for G8F is not working as expected, I would close D/S and delete that clone from the data folder. Try making it again but with no rigging.
2. Yes there is a height difference between G9 and everything else. The dress is returning to its original height position for G9. Obviously we don't want it doing that. So I will load up Daz Studio and check a few things.
Thanks a lot Catherine for your kind and fast answer.
I did the process as you mention on the psd, but I got a height difference when applied the clone, so I deleted the clone on the data folder, uhm , 3 times or more, with the same result.
Then I went with the crazy idea to mess with the rigging thing :D , I was sure that applying the G8 clone slider should be enough but I wanted to experiment.
: )
Nothing wrong with experimenting. Indeed if making shape morphs then one does need to adjust rigging. But not for clones.
I have checked my autofit clones and yes, the G9 clone for G8F does indeed dial G8F down to G9's height. The autofit clone works and the clones fit as desired.
When you loaded the G8F mesh to G9 [having the G8F clone dialed in], those should be correct sizes. Then dial out the G8F clone from G9 and export out the G8F clothing mesh [no groups]. This would have the G8F clothing mesh at G9's height.
Then make the morph with it on G8F [default load, no morphs dialed in] [always reverse deformations]. When the G9 clone shape is dialed in, G8F should get shorter. With all shapes zeroed, save the new autofit clone.
Then with G8F looking normal, add a G9 outfit and on the autofit dialog select the G9 clone that was made. Takes awhile for the program to adjust the weights but then the article of clothing should be fitting.
{With the sales I've downloaded a number of characters, the face of one apparently has infected my G8F so now I get to hunt that down}
eta: Naughty morphs found in the Christmas freebie from AngellsGraphics, Nadine for G8F.
For those desiring autofit clones made by a PA, it is now released:
Thanks for the link, I need to revisit your tutorial the one of making shapes for genesis 9, I wan to use the my G8 producs on it.
Genesis 9 already has all the bases of Genesis [1 through 8, for 8.1 use 8] auto-fit clones. No need to remake the wheel ;-)
Hi, am a non-expert for autofit, so can you say what difference is between your tut and the PA product?
Besides, you should become a PA yourself? You have the kindness & patience. I don't for this. That clone product probably makes enough dollars to make more 3d software insta-buyable.
Main difference for starters. Following the tut is free. Obviously purchasing any product requires some $. I have not yet purchased this product so can't compare the two. {I tend to put clothing made for figures on those figures.}
Thank you for the vote of confidence but I do not require the income, and prefer to make what I want to, when I want to ;-) Besides on my one attempt [to put my auto-fit clones in the store for free failed for some unknown reason, possibly they didn't like my promos which had clothes on them, I dunno] failed. However they gratiously permit me to redistribute them for free. So as long as those accounts are active and presupposin' I don't have another temper tantrum, they should remain available for some time.
K, gotcha. Not sure what I'll do yet. Maybe when i eventually buy something G9 will first follow your tut. Thx for making and sharing!
The PA-suggestion was all about recognizing you liking to make stuff, first and foremost. Loving 3d seems to take alot of $$ - is all.
Yeah freedom is nice.
The "Besides" throws me. You fixed it! Will re-read "Besides" as guessing you meant just one more pain to deal with.
Yeah, I'd have to figure how to render to their overall look in the store I'm guessing. I rather like my cartoonish tutorial covers, anyhow.
If I ever figure out how to rig a 6 legged horse I might try again.
Ups, I just finish testing some outfit from G8 To GF9, as allways shoes are a nightmare, but the rest work really nice, tho one of the shirts clip on the armpits area. Some explanation at the begining, no that is too way back lol, wen G9 come out I try one outfit and the autofit no work, I asume G9 no have that funtion, thanks for the help.
btw for all, there was an update recently for the Genesis 9 starter bundle. It includes more projection morphs now, includes for hair :-)
So hopefully fitting hair will be easier.
For making clothes [from scratch or from .obj from conversion attempts] there is a great thread by Mada.
When G9 is selected, there are more tools available over on the Parameters Tab :-)
Thanks a lot for your help Catherine, I finally made it to create the G9 clone, I was missing the step of dialing out the G8F Clone of G9 before exporting G8 mesh. I wish you a very happy holidays!
You're quite welcome, glad you figured it out :-)
And that's a lovely render, thanks for sharing :-)
I confess to having a block about making clones, and it's at the fundamental beginning concept stage. I'd appreciate it if someone can just tell me which way we're doing it.
Assume we're making a clone so G9 clothes can be used on G2. Are we:
It's just a matter of understanding the overview of what's going on. If I understand that, then I may be able to understand the process a bit more for applying it other characters (eg V3).
I know it's very basic, but for some reason I'm stumbling on this fundamental bit.
In essence, a clone is a morph of the figure that the clone is to be used on.
So yes for autofit clones on G2, the base shape of G2 is employed.
For autofit clones on G9, the base shape of G9 is employed.
eta: the Base resolution is used for all figures involved in the creation process because as the 'clothing' is made, it will adopt the resolution of the figure it is fit to. This clothing figure, using your example, of G2, has to remain at the base resolution in order for the 'morph' to take on G2.
eta: If you have the shape of V3 for any of the Genesis clan members, then yes it can be be made into an autofit clone for the other members.
It can be a little more tricky. I don't recall the step-by-step atm but do know that 'reverse deformations' would come into play.
Thanks. That was the bit I wasn't certain about. Stupid I know, but I had hit a brick wall on it.
What I may try to do with V3 is to convert her to Tri-ax weighting, which should help a bit with the cloning. Nothing lost if it doesn't work well.
Okay. Hope it works for you.
When I tried converting V4 to triax, could not load the figure! So I worked any legacy shapes from either provided, legally found or purchased legacy shapes for any one of the Genesis clan members.
I'm so lost, I wish someone could help me out.

i have made G9 clone for G8, OK.
I also have the G8 clone for G9, OK.
What I want is to have a mesh with the G9 body and the head of G8F.
This is how I can tranfer the heads (only the heads) of my G8 girls to G9.
(Is that right or I'm getting crazy?????????)
I can't figure out how to make a G9 body with G8 head, my brain has stopped working.
Can anyone help me?
1. The purpose of making auto-fit clones is not for making morphs, they are for getting clothing to fit.
2. Along a similar track, you would need to make the 'clothing' of the G9 body [base resolution etc] for G8. Then with G8 dialed to the default G9 pose, plus the desired head shape [G9 clothing is still "fit to" G8]; HIDE all except the "clothing" of G9. Export that out as .obj [remember still at base resolution and no groups]. Then have G9 showing and selected, using Morph Loader Pro import in the G9 "clothing" as a morph, name the head morph sensibly and uniquely, "reverse deformations" and etc. Hopefully this works. If it does, dial the morph to 0 and save it as a morph asset. I don't recall the exact wording but when making this morph, be sure to select the option for a morph shape type.
Elsewhere in the forums I do have a tutorial that covers in more detail how to transfer morphs between the figures. My .pdf tutorials tend to cover all the steps as I work through the projects while making the tutorials.
If you have the shape of G9 dialed into G8, apply the desired G8 head shape to G8; hide all except the G9 "clothing" - then import that back via Morph Loader to make the morph in G9. In "reversing deformations" it will not double nor change the G9 effects in the G8 head morph. It will only display the G8 morph.
Like many a project, not everything looks perfectly okay until the end result is achieved ;-)