Why, WHY (painted eyebrows on G9)

I just picked up VYK Sydney and she painted the eyebrows on the skin mat and did not give aa option of another face skin to rremove them. Can we get an update please. If we can not get an updated skin with no painted brows, I may be returning her which is ashame because she is georgeous other than the bright red eyebrows that lock in the hair color to a shade of red.
Post edited by billyben_0077a25354 on
Pehaps it's a retro 80's look?
This one?
Redheads shouldn't have painted on eyebrows. That is a no-no in my book.
Photoshop or GIMP can fix that
......couldn't you use Zev0's Brow Remover and something like PhilW's Ultamate Eyebrows for G8? .
But the point is I shouldn't have to. Not for Genesis 9 anyway.
I don't think Brow Remover would not work at the moment, as the face texture for G9 is completely different from previous generations.
...could give it a try to see if it does, better than having to remove them in a 2D programme. I don't have V9 or the character mentioned above to try it myself and not going to invest the funds just for an experiment.
Had a try and can say that Brow Remover does not work at all. When trying this error pops up, also I only have the base G9 and all the textures that come with it are browless.
I've stopped buying any characters that do not ship with a browless mat. Have seen some I really liked right up till I realised there was no 'no brow' option. I use Zev0 brow remover on characters I already own...but even those I tend to pass on.
I asked for a refund because of that.
I will probably be asking for a refund tomorrow.
Why? is there some rule or gudeline that states that genesis 9 HAS to have a non brow option?
Some people like, and even prefer, painted brows to mesh. Neither is perfect, it's a matter of what is felt by the individual user to be the lesser evil. Ideally both, or at leasta browless option, will be offered and if not you are of coruse free to ask for a refund - but please do bear in mind that taking the path you don't wish to follow is not a cardinal sin.
Many characters within every Genesis generations come with painted brows without a browless option. It's quite simple to rework textures in GIMP or Photoshop to create your own browless textures, it just takes a bit of time and you can do it even better than with a brow remover.
I always find something that doesn't suit me when I buy a new item, and I usually customize a lot of textures or shapes as soon as I try on my new purchases.
Content creators cannot offer products that only suit your own taste. Imagine you buy a mug and it comes with the handle on the right side and you're left-handed, will you ask for a refund?
When the Genesis Starter 9 Starter Essentials have browless skins and offer various fibermesh brows, the character should at least offer a no-brows-option.
Or perhaps give a "no browless maps included" warning on the product page, I do agree.
@FSMCDesigns, No, no rule that says Genesis 9 has to ahve a no brow option but with all of the fibermesh options now available icluding Base G9, it just disappointed me that the only option is kight Reds eyebrows. Very limiting.
@Richard Haseltine, when there were few alternatives, I did use a lot of painted eyebrows back in the day. I do have several vyktohria's items in my Content Library ans she does gorgeous figures. A neutral painted on eyebrow would be okay t oo that I dould cover with a fibermest eyebrow but . A no brow skin would be better. I am still deciding if I am going to return the character or try to alter the skin to a no brow option in Paint Shop Pro (I will not rent Photoshop, buy a license maybe, but subscribe for $29.95 a month, nope, not gonna do it). VYK Sydney really is georgeous but not sure if I want to deal with the hassle of altering files.
...guess that's one more resource that Zev0 needs to update Again with the unified mesh only one product will be needed.
...I've done that before but it became tedious after a while. Thankfully Zev0 came out with the Brow Remover which supports all older generations (including Gen4) and both genders. No need to deal with over-painting existing baked in brows in a 2D programme and making sure the base colour matches the rest of the skin.
This and blackening the nostrils along with baked-in highlights, hard glute creases and deep, contoured breasts are really irritating, as it takes away from a character's realism and limits the lighting and composition, I mean what's the point of having realistic and detailed textures if you're just gonna throw a wrench into the works by undermining them with baked in additives?
And by realism, I mean realistic representation of the character's morphs/textures, and not non-realistic renders using 3Dlite, though you can produce realistic renders with that engine with a lot of work.
The issue with G9 textures, particularly V9's use specific and non-tiling texture mapping techniques, so any removal of the brows ruins continually of the skin with the texture, as it ends up looking like a badly done skin graft…
I do agree for the baked "shadows" in nostrils, under breasts or glute creases (or worse, baked makeups), but I'm aware that many users don't mind or even appreciate the "irritating things" that force us to improve our Photoshop (or any image editing stuff) skills. But in a way it's part of the fun.
It shouldn't if one also edits the textures for the other maps, bump, normal, specularity, translucency, etc, etc. It can get quite tricky with today's complicated skin set-ups. Gone are the days when there was just one skin map to worry about.
My issue is not gaining in Affinity photo skills, and yes, it is fun,
but my point is that we should be setting a much higher bar… but be that as it may, it is ultimately up to PAs whether they include textures that are great for realism or not, so yeah, I'll still most likely have to take it into a photo editing prog all the same as that's the standard our community is fine with, unfortunately.
The casual crowd has always been fine with mediocrity, and it is they that set such a low bar by settling for the bare minimum, but we should be setting the bar higher for true advancement with texturing techniques, as the old method of projected photo parts does not exist with professional/industry methods.
G9 is close to that standard, yet it is still undermined by useless colouring and contouring, taking away all realism with the character.
NOTE: As far as realism is concerned, I'm not talking about non-photorealistic rendering at all, but about the character models themselves.
The casual crowd isn't editing textures. People who edit textures are more interested in getting on with it than complaining.
I just wish they would not import brows with Facetransder 2. I am able to edit them out with Affinity Photo in skin, but there should have been an option. Brows: Yes/No?
I've stopped buying characters with painted eyebrows as well.
I do agree with the OP about having only red eyebrows and this limits the color of hair you can use on your model. They should have offered a few of the standard colors, like black, brown, blonde as well as red.
I'm only concerned about what brows look like in Filament, so usually, painted ones look better. Most of the G9 chars come with a link to brow card 06, ( I think it is ), if the char doesn't have it's own fiber brow. That one looks pretty good if you take out all the shiney shader settings. The free Onfleek item for G3F worked well because of putting a tex shadow under a fiber brow. But a really nice painted brow looks much better,IMO, of course the painted ones are frequently too dark, or too something to be modifiable enough with the brow morphs. I typically want a smaller brow and especially not as wide. So, even without any available morphs for a fibermesh or card brow I find I can scale down it's x value maybe at the hip or head (sorry brain freeze) and even the y scale. If it's in the right place after scaling, then have it parented to the head instead of the figures main node then it moves correctly when posing the figure. So I'm all for having browless tex when needed and hope Zev0 is gonna update, cause I never get around to erasing them manually. And I'm still trying to figure out how to seamlessly transfer nice painted brows from one tex to another in GIMP - maybe not an average persuit at this point. /
/ peace
I personally like both fibermesh and painted on brows. I think it ads a bit of depth. I also like more brow than the vast majority of daz studio characters have, so adding thicker more natural brows is something I do for most characters, and layering them on over the original painted ones makes them look great.