Want a Complete Science Fiction Scout-sized Craft

As I began working on a story for my own amusement, I was surprised recently that none of the science-fiction craft are entirely suitable for a long range space scout, one with a crew of around five, with interior and exterior components. Everything I have looked at lacks at least one of: sleeping quarters (even a science-fiction ship might take days or weeks to go from Earth to Mars); lavatory; believable airlocks (and other entrance/egress perhaps); cargo hold; interior engine access; emergency escape craft; galley/medical facilities (possibly just labeled cabinets); weapon lockers; EVA spacesuit lockers. And I have probably forgotten other necessities. I could probably get away with the standard TV/movie technique of having interior sets that have nothing to do with the exterior shots (nor, for that matter, one another), but it would be nice to have a consistent product or set of related products.
Kibarreto's 'Vanguard' is probably a decent approximation of what I have in mind, at least in terms of scale.
They always seem to lack things like toilets, sadly! If it's a detailed projct, your best bet would be to use a ship for the exterior and then use modular science-fiction kits to construct your own interiors for it.
The size/scope of a 'complete' item like that is precisely why there aren't any.
The time/effort involved in making it won't be recovered in the sales it will have. Things like that always have lower sales than 'parts' that are easily used for kitbashing.
I know that for stuff I make (so far nothing in the store...) that when I go to integrating interiors and exteriors it isn't a simple, 'oh this is taking 2x as long'...it's more like 4 to 6x as long to make.
Vanguard looks to be what you are looking for. At least for the general needs list. It has a nice interior. Sleeping quarters, etc.
I'm always on the lookout for the exact type of ship you're describing; we've had a couple here and there, but with exception of the Vanguard very little have had both the type of interior you're describing and are the size you want. If you check Rendo, there's the Valkyrie Smuggling Ship:
If you want to do a little kit-bashing, you can grab one or two of the ships here and some of the interior sets to make your own.
Using Davorama's Interiors:
And Nightshift3D's nifty transport:
You can cobble together a neat little four-man (or in my case, four-man-and-a-robot) scout craft, complete with four bunks (with lockers), a med bay, bathroom unit, eating area and cockpit, with doorways that seal if there's a breach. It took me about 2 hours to cobble it together, the only resizing I had to do to fit things in was on the divider walls/doors.
I'm also using his Typhon's Rage gunship in a similar fashion for a smaller scout/escort.
-- Walt Sterdan
And a whole bunch of stuff Nightshift has also done! They aren't quite as high in quality, texture-wise, however and might not look right if you're putting a lot of HD items or characters in them.
Am trying a project similar to Ostadan's and ran into the same problem. I'd like something similar with a complete ship but where the interior and exterior are combined or at least compatible. Even the best of Kiberetto's ships is woefully incomplete.