Daz Studio Pro 4.22(.0.x) - Highlights

rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
edited September 16 in Daz Studio Discussion

Each new build of Daz Studio comes with its own set of bug fixes, new features, adjustments to existing features, etc. Since near the beginning of Daz Studio 4.x development ( - according to the posted logs), a list of changes have been made available via the Change Log on the Documentation Center. In addition to the Change Log, we have also typically provided a forum thread wherein the first post highlights some of the changes in a given release (typically things that have the greatest potential to impact large cross-sections of the userbase). Periodically, as new builds have been made available and/or as time has allowed, the first post of the latest thread would be updated to provide more/new information on a given build. Unfortunately, these updates seemed to go unnoticed by many who didn't revisit the first post of the thread. This same information would also then be reposted when a Public Build was eventually promoted to General Release.

To address some of these issues and bring more visibility to the highlights for a given build, we now split these highlights off into their own thread. A separate discussion thread will remain available (linked below), but the highlights thread itself will be closed for comment so as to avoid the information being buried by the discussion and to provide notification through regular features of the forum software.


Frequently Asked Questions:



Public Build (Beta) Threads:


  • (December 18, 2023)
    • (December 16, 2023)
    • (December 13, 2023)
    • (December 11, 2023)
    • (December 6, 2023)
    • (December 1, 2023)
    • (October 31, 2023)
    • (October 25, 2023)
    • (October 20, 2023)
    • (August 11, 2023)
    • (April 24, 2023)
    • (March 27, 2023)
    • (February 17, 2023)
    • (January 20, 2023)
    • (December 22, 2022)
    • (November 4, 2022)


General Release Thread:


  • (September 16, 2024)
    • (February 27, 2024)
    • (December 20, 2023)
    • (November 1, 2023)
  • (October 12, 2022)


Previous Threads:


Post edited by rbtwhiz on


  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
    edited January 2023 (November 4, 2022)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Integrated Iray 2022.0.1 (359000.3383); see this thread for more detail
        • REQUIRES:
          • NVIDIA Driver 512.78 (R510) on Windows
          • NVIDIA Driver 516.93 (R515) on Windows
            • NVIDIA Driver 517.40 (R515) on Windows is the "last known good"
              • A regression (nvbugs 3838022) in the driver after this version results in OpenCL errors, and ultimately causes dForce simulation to fail
              • This issue is discretely mentioned in the Open Issues section of the driver release notes
              • NVIDIA has identified and fixed the issue - the fix is in the process of being validated
              • A Game Ready Driver (GRD)/Studio Driver (SD), 526.98, with the fix is expected to be available on 11/10 11/16
              • An Enterprise Driver with the fix is expected to be available on 11/16 11/28
          • See NVIDIA Driver Downloads
            • NVIDIA recommends installing Studio Drivers (SD)
          • SSSE3 enabled CPU is a minimum requirement on macOS/x86
      • Added support for emissive volumes
    • Shader Mixer
      • Added a "Volume Blackbody Emission" brick
      • Added an "Emission Intensity" input parameter to the "Uber Add Inhomogeneous Volume" brick
    • Asset Saving
      • Added a "Thumbnail Saving" preference to Edit > Preferences… (F2) > Content
        • "Always save/replace thumbnail images" (default)
        • "Do not replace thumbnail images"
        • "Do not save thumbnail images"
    • Preset Loading
      • Loading a preset type that requires selection of a node in the scene (e.g., Materials, Layered Image, Pose, Shaping, Properties, Puppeteer, D-Former, etc) now displays a node selection dialog when applicable nodes exist in the scene but no selection has been made
        • Shader Presets do not provide this quality of life improvement (yet) - as they also require surface selection
    • Layered Images
      • Layer loading (multiple layers within the same layered image) is now multi-threaded
    • FBX Pipeline
      • Export
        • ...
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
    edited August 2023 (December 22, 2022)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Integrated Iray 2022.1.1 (363600.1657); see this thread for more detail
        • REQUIRES:
          • NVIDIA Driver 526.67 (R525) on Windows
          • NVIDIA Driver 526.98 (R525) on Windows in order to retain OpenCL/dForce compatibility
          • See NVIDIA Driver Downloads
            • NVIDIA recommends installing Studio Drivers (SD)
          • SSSE3 enabled CPU is a minimum requirement on macOS/x86
      • Added native support for all Ada Lovelace and Hopper generation GPUs
      • Added native "ghostlight" support (Iray Photoreal)
      • ...
    • Menus
      • Updated default menus - recommend clicking the Window > Workspace > Update and Merge Menus action
      • Menu items for submenus that do not have a 'leaf' action in the hierarchy (and are therefore considered 'empty') are no longer presented in a given menu
        • 'Empty' submenu actions are not removed/deleted, they are made non-visible
        • Editing/Configuration of menus has not changed - 'empty' menus are visible for editing purposes
    • "Zero" Actions vs "Restore" Actions
      • Actions that "Zero" properties now prompt to confirm intent
        • "Zero" is literal - properties are assigned a value of 0 (or respective equivalent), which can have unintended consequences
        • "Restore" is implicit - properties are assigned their respective "default" (memorized) values, which may not be 0 (or equivalent)
        • Prompting can be silenced/overriden via script API; see the Change Log and the Action Trigger sample for more detail
    • Morph Projection
      • Fixed an occasional crash in situations where projections were scheduled upon fitting and the target was changed/cleared before projection could complete
    • Transfer Utility
      • Fixed a crash when projecting from a figure to a simple object (prop) using a projection template, particularly if the object was the primary selection when Transfer Utility was invoked
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
    edited January 2023 (January 20, 2023)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Integrated Iray 2022.1.2 (363600.1913); see this thread for more detail
        • REQUIRES:
          • NVIDIA Driver 526.67 (R525) on Windows
          • NVIDIA Driver 526.98 (R525) on Windows in order to retain OpenCL/dForce compatibility
          • See NVIDIA Driver Downloads
            • NVIDIA recommends installing Studio Drivers (SD)
          • ​SSSE3 enabled CPU is a minimum requirement on macOS/x86
      • Removed support for the "Blend" renderer from the NVIDIA Iray DrawStyle
    • dForce Hair
      • Addressed the cause of "patchiness" in Genesis 9 facial hair at higher resolutions
    • Transfer Utility
      • Added a "Remove Original Target (Prop)" option
        • Addresses a regression where the "Target > Scene Item" was no longer automatically being removed if it was a simple object
        • This option is only enabled when the "Target > Scene Item" is a simple object
      • The popup menus for "Source > Scene Item" and "Target > Scene Item" in the "Transfer Utility" dialog now display the associated icon for listed nodes
    • Support Asset Saving
      • Saving new figure/prop, morph, and/or UV support assets now automatically assigns a unique URI ID
        • Serves to aid in avoiding collisions when non-unique names are chosen
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
    edited February 2023 (February 17, 2023)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Integrated Iray 2022.1.4 (363600.2768); see this thread for more detail
        • REQUIRES:
          • NVIDIA Driver 526.67 (R525) on Windows
          • NVIDIA Driver 526.98 (R525) on Windows in order to retain OpenCL/dForce compatibility
          • See NVIDIA Driver Downloads
            • NVIDIA recommends installing Studio Drivers (SD)
          • ​SSSE3 enabled CPU is a minimum requirement on macOS/x86
    • Launching
      • Fixed an issue that caused the installed package to be presented as not launchable within recent versions of Install Manager
    • Property Controllers
      • Made optimizations to adding/removing property controllers (e.g., links between properties - aka "ERC")
    • Asset Loading
      • Made optimizations to formula (links between properties) resolution during file load
      • Made optimizations to creation of property links (aka "ERC") during file load
    • Logging
      • Made improvements related to the timing involved in resolving formulas (property links - aka "ERC") during file load
      • Made improvements related to identifying missing nodes referenced by formulas
      • Made improvements related to identifying missing input/output properties referenced by formulas
      • Made improvements related to identifying duplicate formulas
    • Data Items
      • Fixed an issue with the "Edit Data Item" dialog that prevented display of the settings of a given data item
        • Impacted the ability to view and/or edit Scene Data items and Element Data items (e.g., Node, Material, etc)
    • ...
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231 (March 27, 2023)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Integrated Iray 2022.1.6 (363600.3938); see this thread for more detail
        • REQUIRES:
          • NVIDIA Driver 526.67 (R525) on Windows
          • NVIDIA Driver 526.98 (R525) on Windows in order to retain OpenCL/dForce compatibility
          • See NVIDIA Driver Downloads
            • NVIDIA recommends installing Studio Drivers (SD)
          • ​SSSE3 enabled CPU is a minimum requirement on macOS/x86
    • dForce
      • Addressed a race condition (random crash) relating to volatility/concurrency while calculating bounding volume hierarchies (used to detect/resolve collision)
        • A prompt indicating that kernels have changed and need to be recompiled is presented.
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231 (April 24, 2023)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Integrated Iray 2022.1.7 (363600.4887); see this thread for more detail
        • REQUIRES:
          • NVIDIA Driver 526.67 (R525) on Windows
          • NVIDIA Driver 526.98 (R525) on Windows in order to retain OpenCL/dForce compatibility
          • See NVIDIA Driver Downloads
            • NVIDIA recommends installing Studio Drivers (SD)
          • ​SSSE3 enabled CPU is a minimum requirement on macOS/x86
    • D-Formers
      • Creation
        • The Create > "New D-Former..." action now uses the familiar create new item dialog
          • Added a "Weight Map Mode" option
            • Omits creation of the "Field" node
            • Creates the "Influence Weights" map with maximum values for each selected node and assigns it to the repective modifier
            • Editing the values of the "Influence Weights" map for a given D-Former is unchanged
        • Naming/Labeling of newly created D-Formers now adheres to standard naming/labeling patterns used by other newly created node types - i.e., unique names/labels
      • DForm Pane
        • Updated labels on buttons to improve clarity/context
          • "Add Node(s)..." changed to "Add Influence to Selected..."
          • "Remove Node(s)..." changed to "Remove Influence from Selected..."
          • "Remove All from Node(s)" changed to "Remove All Influence from Selected"
        • Updated the "Add Influence to Selected..." dialog
          • Provides an aggregate list of the D-Formers that do not currently influence the selected nodes
        • Updated the "Remove Influence from Selected..." dialog
          • Provides an aggregate list of the D-Formers that currently influence the selected nodes
          • Fixed an issue where selecting one or more D-Former from the list, would not reliably/consistently do so
        • Updated the "Edit Spline..." dialog
          • Allows editing the shape of the falloff for a "D-Former Field"
        • Updated the "Spawn Morph..." dialog
          • Now performs checks for certain naming errors
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231 (August 11, 2023)

    • Code Signing
      • Executables are signed (once again) on Windows
        • User Account Control (UAC) prompt is now blue with publisher name instead of yellow with unknown publisher
        • Addresses a known issue in the current ( General Release
    • Recent Files
      • Added a "Set Max Recent Files..." action
        • Causes an input dialog that allows viewing/setting the maximum number of recent files (within the [0,100] range) to be displayed
      • Increased the default from 10 to 15
    • New Item Creation
      • "Create New Item" dialog
        • Fixed a memory leak
        • Fixed an issue with naming for new point at target nodes
        • D-Formers
          • Fixed an issue where hidden pre-defined options could still have an influence on the resulting node
            • Manifested when using the “Create New D-Former…” action with the "Weight Map Mode" option active, by resulting in the selected node(s) having their "Point At" target unintentionally set to the newly created D-Former node
    • Property Limits On/Off (Rotation) actions
      • Fixed an issue where the actions would not recurse the node hierarchy using the default configuration
        • A "Change Limit State" option dialog is displayed if [Ctrl/Cmd] is pressed when triggering the action
        • The default configuration is Nodes:Root, Skeletons:Exclude, Propagation:Recursive
    • Property Reset actions
      • Changed the label of the "Reset" action in the options menu to "Reset Value"
      • Added a "Reset Attributes" action; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Property Hierarchy pane
      • Added actions to the context menu
        • Expand All
        • Expand Selected
        • Expand from Selected
        • Collapse All
        • Collapse Selected
        • Collapse from Selected
      • Moved context menu "Set" actions to a submenu
        • Set > Limits To Extents
        • Set > Limits To Extents Recursive
        • Set > Scalars...
        • Set > Save With...
    • Daz Connect
      • Fixed an issue with remembering username/password
      • Fixed a possible crash on macOS when updating metadata
    • Logging
      • Modified message severity of many entries
      • Added capture of many more events; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
    edited October 2023 (October 20, 2023)

    • Menus / Actions
      • The File > New (Scene) action now presents a New Scene dialog when triggered - see New Scene Workflow & In-App Notifications for more detail
      • The File > Open Recent submenu has been transformed into an asset view that displays thumbnails/tips and provides the ability to load multiple assets at the same time - see New Scene Workflow & In-App Notifications for more detail
      • Updated default menus - recommend clicking the Window > Workspace > Update and Merge Menus action
    • Asset Saving
      • Extended the "Thumbnail Saving" preference - see Thumbnail Saving for more detail
    • Asset Views
      • Use of the "Categorize…" action in context menus now attempts to restore category and asset selection
      • Added an "Add to Favorites" action to context menus
        • Supports multi-selection
        • Appears when one or more of the selected assets is not assigned to the /Default/Favorites (or sub) category
        • Provides convenient/quick access to assigning an asset to the /Default/Favorites category
      • Added a "Remove from Favorites" action to asset view context menus
        • Supports multi-selection
        • Appears when one or more of the selected assets is assigned to the /Default/Favorites (or sub) category
        • Provides convenient/quick access to deleting assignment of an asset to the /Default/Favorites category (and any sub-category)
      • Fixed various issues with the "Info Page" and "Tags Page" in the "Information Panel" commonly found adjacent to asset views
    • Account Login / Daz Connect
      • Added an "Update Metadata" option to the login frame/dialog
        • If checked, the application will retrieve metadata from the store via Daz Connect - i.e., the previously existing behavior
        • If unchecked, the application will not retrieve metadata from the store via Daz Connect
        • If metadata is not (has not been) retrieved from the store via Daz Connect, none of the functionality that relies on metadata being retrieved in this manner (e.g., being presented products that are not installed but are in the user's account, being presented a list of products that contain missing files as opposed to a list of missing files when loading assets, or seeing the Daz Connect indicator to know if there are product updates, etc) will be available. This also means that none of the conflicts that can arise as a result of mixing installation methods, or corruption issues, occur either.
    • Render Settings Pane
      • An attempt to set the General > Dimensions > Dimension Preset (Global) property to a pre-defined dimension preset other than "Active Viewport", when "Active Viewport" is not the saved value, based on the values of the Aspect Ratio and Pixel Size properties (where defined) is now made when loading from file
      • Extended pre-defined dimension presets
        • XGA (4:3, 1024 x 768)
        • SVGA (4:3, 800 x 600)
        • VGA / 480i (4:3, 640 x 480)
        • SXGA (5:4, 1280 x 1024)
        • Ultra HD [UHD] / 8K (16:9, 7680 x 4320)
        • Ultra HD [UHD] / 4K (16:9, 3840 x 2160)
        • Quad HD [QHD] / 2K / 1440p (16:9, 2560 x 1440)
        • DCI (256:135)
        • DCI 4K (256:135, 4096 x 2160)
        • DCI 2K (256:135, 2048 x 1080)
    • Property Menus
      • The menu for properties displayed in various views throughout the interface now omit/exclude actions (by default) that have no, or an undesirable, effect on the properties displayed in the context they are displayed in
        • Property Options menus for the various property view contexts can be customized independently - see the Change Log for more detail
    • Timeline Pane
      • Dopesheet
        • Added an "Expand Keyed from Item" action to the navigation context menu, Expand submenu
          • Expands all levels of the navigation tree, from the context item, in order to reveal property items that have keys
        • Added a "Collapse Non-Keyed from Item" action to the navigation context menu, Collapse submenu
          • Collapses all levels of the navigation tree, from the context item, unless the property item has keys
      • Key Graph
        • Fixed drawing order of the playhead/keys - now consistent with the Dopesheet
        • Double-clicking a key will now set the time/frame of the playhead to the corresponding time/frame - now consistent with the Dopesheet
    • Shader Mixer
      • Properties Page
        • The "Show hidden" option now controls display of hidden, as well as dynamically hidden, properties
        • Attributes of properties displayed here are now set as their respective definitions when applied to the scene
          • This impacts the effect that the Reset Attributes action in the option menu for a property has
    • ...
    • Logging
      • Modified message severity of many entries
      • Added capture of more events; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231 (October 25, 2023)

    • Asset Saving
      • Fixed an issue with saving asset thumbnails when the asset has a name that includes a "." character if the preference is set to the "Use inclusive thumbnail extension (*.png) - strict mode" option - see Thumbnail Saving for more detail
    • Asset Views
      • Fixed issues in the New Scene dialog where context menu actions did not handle asset multi-selection in the expected way
        • "Open As New" would only open the context asset instead of using (modified) selection order (consistent with accepting the dialog) to determine which asset to open and which asset(s) to merge
        • "Merge Into Scene" would only merge the context asset instead of using (modified) selection order (consistent with accepting the dialog) to merge each selected asset
        • "Browse to File Location..." would only open the context asset instead of each of the selected assets that resolve to a file
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231 (October 31, 2023)

    • New Scene Dialog
      • Vertical/Horizontal scrollbars are no longer shown when the contents of the Sidebar notification dimensions exceed the available visible space
      • When populating the Recent page, the asset image cache is now forced to be reloaded for the first 15 (default number of recent files) assets, the first time the asset view is shown/populated
    • Account Login / Daz Connect
      • The "Update Metadata" option in the login frame/dialog is now unchecked by default
    • Render Settings Pane
      • Fixed a styling issue with the NVIDIA Iray (MDL) > Advanced page that made seeing/discovering the Hardware/Canvases/Bridge sub-pages difficult with the Highway or Main Street default styles applied
      • The minimum limit of the NVIDIA Iray > Progressive Rendering > Completion > Max Samples property is now -1
        • A value of -1 disables the maximum number of samples as a criterion for render loop termination
      • The minimum limit of the NVIDIA Iray > Progressive Rendering > Completion > Max Time property is now -1
        • A value of -1 disables the maximum time in seconds as a criterion for render loop termination
      • The maximum limit of the NVIDIA Iray > Progressive Rendering > Completion > Max Samples property is now 25000
    • Render Settings Presets
      • Fixed an issue with creation of singleton nodes
        • If a preset includes a value to set on a property of a singleton node (e.g., Environment Options, Tonemapper Options), and the corresponding singleton node does not already exist in the scene, the singleton node will be created
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
    edited December 2023 (December 1, 2023)

    • Face Transfer 2
    • Face Transfer
      • Improved logging
      • Fixed potential crashes
      • Fixed categorization of assets saved for Genesis 8.1 Male
      • Improved messaging when transferring a face to a selected figure that does not clearly match/bias toward the chosen Gender option
      • Fixed an issue where the generated morph was not correctly re-projecting onto followers if generation occurred more than once on the same figure
      • ...
    • Asset Saving
      • A cached image for an asset thumbnail is now cleared when saving a thumbnail image for an asset
      • Fixed an issue with the saving of thumbnails not respecting the global preference, when saving user facing assets
    • New Scene Dialog
      • The icon for the New Scene asset is now styled discretely in default styles - the icon from the New action is now used as a fallback
      • Reverted a temporary fix that forced the asset image cache to be reloaded for the first 15 (default number of recent files) assets, the first time the asset view in the Recent page of the New Scene dialog is shown/populated - see Asset Saving (above)
      • Loading assets via normal operation (i.e., double-click of an asset, or clicking the "Create" button) now occurs once the dialog is closed instead of before
        • This change causes the prompt for saving the current scene to be more apparent and consistent with behaviors present in earlier builds
    • FBX Pipeline
      • Exporter
        • Fixed an issue with setting up visible polygons where a geo-graft is involved
        • Fixed an issue with setting up subdivision edge weights where a geo-graft is involved
        • Fixed an issue where separate geometry for each actively geo-grafted follower was being included in addition to the merged geometry
        • Fixed memory leaks
        • ...
      • Importer
        • Fixed a crash with import of skinning when more than a skinning modifier exists
        • ...
    • Timeline Pane
      • Fixed animation playback when "Play All Frames" is not active requiring cursor movement to advance the playhead
      • Fixed several styling issues
      • In the Dopesheet, the marker for keys that are rolled up are now styled distinctly different from the marker for frames that contain keys
        • The marker for keys that are rolled up is selectable
        • The marker for frames that contain keys, in the timeline, is not selectable
      • Now supports controls being positioned above or below (default) the timeline/dopesheet/key graph/time slider
        • Added "Controls Bottom" and "Controls Top" actions - see the Pane Options Menu
      • The Tension (T), Continuity (C), and Bias (B) fields are now individually labeled
      • Fixed the enabled/disabled/checked state of actions when switching view modes and/or restoring settings (e.g., loading UI layout)
      • Fixed the enabled/disabled state of controls when key selection changes
      • Made access of the Key Graph more obvious/discoverable
        • Moved the button for hiding/showing the Key Graph from the divider bar to a discrete button in the key controls
        • Added a "Show Key Graph" action to allow binding a shortcut for quicker/convienent show/hide operations
      • Fixed an issue in the Dopesheet that prevented collapsed keys on the root of an object, and collapsed keys at odd numbered frames for subitems, from providing cursor feedback and from being selected when clicked
      • Updated the context menu for the Dopesheet to reflect item and/or key selection state
      • Updated the Pane Option Menu
        • Added a "Preferences" submenu
        • Moved preference type actions
      • ...
    • Property Styling
      • Increased the contrast of disabled property labels (with the property header) in the Darkside style
    • Default Menus
      • Updated default menus
      • Recommend clicking the Window > Workspace > Update and Merge Menus action
    • ...
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231 (December 6, 2023)

    • Face Transfer 2
      • Fixed an issue where not all active shapes were being accounted for
      • Fixed an issue where the "Face Transfer" property generated on a follower (e.g., eyes) was being targeted as the controller rather than the property on the follow target (e.g., figure)
      • Fixed an issue where rigging properties (e.g., origin, endpoint) on a follower (e.g., eyes) were not being connected to the "Face Transfer" controller
      • Gender detection of the selected figure now evaluates the accumulated weight of active gender related morph targets when primary evaluations are inconclusive
      • Fixed an issue where the eye morph was being overdriven
      • Made overriding of the Genesis 9 Scene Subset/Character Preset via application settings consistent - see the Change Log for details
      • Made overriding of the Genesis 9 Material(s) Preset via application settings gender specific - see the Change Log for details
      • Now creates a (temporary) data item on the figure during generate that holds information from the projection engine
        • This data item is removed during the save process
      • Added support for a post process application setting - see the Change Log for details
      • Updated trial activation messaging
    • Face Transfer (1)
      • Fixed an issue where not all active shapes were being accounted for
      • Made overriding of the Genesis 8 Scene Subset/Character Preset via application settings consistent - see the Change Log for details
      • Made overriding of the Genesis 8 Material(s) Preset via application settings generation and gender specific - see the Change Log for details
      • Added support for a post process application setting - see the Change Log for details
      • Updated trial activation messaging
    • Face Transfer pane (i.e., Face Transfer & Face Transfer 2)
      • The prompt that offers choice for how to handle figure selection when "Generate" is clicked now uses the generation of the selected figure (if supported) when "New Figure" is chosen rather than being based on registration/trial save status
      • Added a "Base" option that allows discrete selection of which base figure to load
        • Auto (Windows only)
        • Genesis 9
          • If a non-Genesis 9 figure is selected, a new Genesis 9 figure is loaded
          • If a Genesis 9 figure is selected and the gender cannot be determined to be a match, the user is prompted
          • If a Genesis 9 figure is selected and the gender is determined to be a match, that figure is modified
        • Genesis 8 (Windows only)
          • If a non-Genesis 8/8.1 figure is selected, a new Genesis 8 figure is loaded
          • If a Genesis 8/8.1 figure of the opposite gender is selected, the user is prompted
          • If a Genesis 8/8.1 figure of the same gender is selected, that figure is modified
      • Updated progress feedback to be more contextual
    • Adjust Rigging to Shape
      • Added an "Adjust Follow Target" option
        • Causes rigging adjustments on a selected follower to be applied to the follow target rather than the follower itself
    • UI Styling
      • Fixed a regression that affected images/icons displayed for Shader Builder, Strand Based Hair, IK, and Timeline/Animation
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231 (December 11, 2023)

    • Face Transfer (Face Transfer & Face Transfer 2)
      • Extended progress reporting to be more informative about the work being performed
      • Updated inline help - i.e., tool tips
    • FBX Exporter
      • Fixed an issue that caused the enabled/checked state of options that depend on the Format chosen (e.g., "Embed Textures (Binary Only)") to be incorrect/ignored during write operations
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
    edited December 2023 (December 13, 2023)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Fixed an issue that caused scenes that use the Atmospheric Ground Fog feature to have the specified decay heights interpreted at the wrong scale
    • Face Transfer (Face Transfer & Face Transfer 2)
      • Fixed a crash when invoking the pane's save feature
      • Extended progress reporting to be more informative about the work being performed during save
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231 (December 16, 2023)

    • Face Transfer 2
      • Generated texture names now include generation/gender indicators
    • Face Transfer pane (Face Transfer & Face Transfer 2)
      • Extended progress reporting to be more informative about the work being performed
      • Saving now sets consistent property group paths for generated morphs on followers (e.g., eyes) and property aliases on the figure (e.g., head)
      • Fixed an issue where the shape name chosen during save was not being checked for uniqueness
        • Shape name conflicts during save are now prevented/alerted
      • Fixed a memory leak of transfer data during save
      • Fixed a potential crash when processing/updating modifiers on followers
    • Application Shutdown
      • Improved the performance of closing the application
        • Time to close reduced by ~66% (2/3) in some tests
    • Logging
      • Fixed an issue that caused a false-positive "nested directory" warning; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Scripting API
      • Made additions in various areas; see the Change Log for more detail
    • Fixed bugs and/or made improvements in various areas; see the Change Log for details
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231 (December 20, 2023)

    • Face Transfer pane (Face Transfer & Face Transfer 2)
      • Fixed an issue that caused the Tips page to be empty (and a warning in the log)
    • Render Settings pane
      • Extended pre-defined dimension presets
        • Smartphone Portrait (9:16)
    • Lights pane
      • Fixed an issue that caused the "Show Hidden Properties" and "Sync With Scene Selection" actions to be inopperable (and warnings in the log)
      • Fixed an issue that caused the context menu to be unable to update the enabled/checked state of certain actions (and warnings in the log)
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
    edited February 28 (Febuary 27, 2024)

    • NVIDIA Iray
      • Added core support for the OmniHair Root-Tip Blend material
        • An update to Default Resources (i.e., 4.22+) is required to obtain the Shader Preset used to apply the shader to Strand-Based Hair
    • Code Signing
      • Executables are signed (once again) on Windows
        • User Account Control (UAC) prompt is now blue with publisher name instead of yellow with unknown publisher
    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231 (September 16, 2024)

    • Daz Connect
    • Installation
      • Install Manager remains the recommended installation method
      • Standalone installers have been built with an updated version of the building application
        • Improves OS version compatibility
        • Resolves instability in some environments
This discussion has been closed.