Gravity Hair - My Kingdom for Gravity Hair

It would be great if someone would make medium to long hair with morphs that conform to gravity. For example if a character is hanging upside down the hair would face down or if they are lying down the hair lays reailisticly.
This has been and issue with Hair morphs from day one, doing anything other than standing is never in the morph list.
Post edited by Akulla3D on
It is a thing i'd like to see, too.
I'd pay good money for long hair like that. Dynamic would be best. :p
Most the hair models are made while in the classic "T" position... It's hard enough to make most hair look decent when Victoria has her head turned all the way left or right let alone upside down... I agree we need hair that acknowledges real world physics, but good luck to us waiting for someone to stray outside the box and create something new.
I'd probably be willing to pay close to a three digit price for hair like that if it was done well enough.
Supposedly LAMH was working on something along these lines. Dunno where they are with that.
not sure if can link but can try
I've been looking at that Zero Gravity Hair, but I don't see anything to suggest it's poseable at all... I could be wrong, but the sense I get is, you have to pose the figure to make the hair look like it's pointing at the ground. A Renderosity search for Zero Gravity yields several products, all with the same sort of problem. They would look perfectly natural if the person were falling off a fifth-story rooftop, but otherwise not so much. And not even that, if the hair's supposed to be wet...
I did try Total Hair Control, but the jury's out whether that was a mistake. I just started with DS 4.8 a few months ago - I get the sense that old hands don't need explanations how to use "handles," but I find them difficult in the extreme to guess at. I click a handle and drag it a fraction of a millimeter, resulting in a wildly exaggerated sweep in an apparently random direction... are there any decent tutorials out there, that don't start from the assumption I already know what I'm doing?
The only way you will get the control you want is one of the systems, Garibaldi (spelling?) or LaMH. The creator of LaMH is fairly active in the forum and has said there are a number of new features in the works like gravity and collision.
I would love gravity hair. And hair using easy-pose technology for the braid or ponytail.
Easypose braid
A quick test that will work from most front angles (or you could rotate it) using the It's made for V4 but since you will be flipping it and not "fitting-to" it would work for any figure I imagine. It has lots of morphs and several colors. I've included some transition specs to get you started in the right place.
I wouldn't presume to speak for Akulla, Marshian, and even though his goal is different from mine, I just wanted to say, "Wow. Thanks for putting so much effort into a reply." You're the second artist today - that I know of - who has gone above and beyond the call, to help someone out. It's humbling. Thank you!
Cool John! This community is a wonderful group of people.
I carried the idea further into a render-
HA! Nice
Garibaldi's hair system works great for that! I can do upside down, windy, disheveled, or any other natural style that you can think of. It works great. They give you a comb to style with and it's wonderful for creating natural dishevelment with wisps of "real" hair everywhere. The styling is up to you and your talent. The only thing is it's not dynamic as far as I know and it doesn't transfer well to Reality or Iray in obj format, although I've seen pictures where people said they transfered it and it looked pretty convincing. How they did it, I do not know. That's what I'm waiting for! The day we can render Garibaldi and LAMH in Iray and Reality just like conforming hair without having to be a computer graphic genius to figure it out!
If you go into LAMH panel, there is an 'export to Obj' option.
The problem is, as is, a normal head of hair adds a gig or so to a file and can really slow down a render.
Supposedly there are ways to improve this on the horizon. We'll see.
Sadly it looks to have been on the same spot of the horizon for what seems like months now.
We need dynamics for hair /nod
It isn't unusual for me to use short hair, simply because it doesn't flick the beliveability switch; the hair can take as much time as everything else.
There is a dynamic hair product available, although the syle makes it pretty limiting. I've tried them from optitex too, and they weren't that great. I might revisit them, but the style was pretty basic too.
Nicstt: Yeah. :/ I've moved on to focus elsewhere. If things ever open up, it'd be great, but I'm not holding my breath.
Alessandro's tut for LAMH to Iray:
Aeon Soul, has the most advanced morphs featured in hair and clothing, as She/He/They are 3Deities that even I would worship!
BTW, they make hair for current figures as well as V4..So you can actually conform, rather than parent them.
Yup I like Aeon Soul's stuff; it isn't possible to do all possible though.