ISO: M3 RawArt Man-Bat Sku
in The Commons
Hello All,
I am working with Rawn and DAZ CS to locate the sku for a set by RawArt called something like "Man-Bat" (not certain on the name however)? It was morph pack for M3 that turned him into a Were-Bat like creature with his actual arms being replaced/morphed with wings. Resembling "Tyldak" from the ElfQuest saga. If anyone has this set, can you please provide me with the SKU for it?
Thanks in Advance!
damn...its sooooo ugly
things have come a looooong way since then
Lolol... Dont do me like that Rawn! I need this. It will be fine!
Actually, I see what i need is "M3 Draguul" ( and he looks EXACTLY what Im looking for. I was gonna strip the "Man-Bat" texture from him anyway, but now i dont have to However, I will attempt to acqure both!
Draguul ps_mr391b
Man-Bat ps_tx1996b
These are RawArt originals, do you not have them anymore?
I was almost certain i did, but apparently, i do not.