Realistic cloth shaders for Iray

We have a metric sh*t ton of metal shaders for Iray. How many different types of chrome and spacey metals does Victoria need? How about some textiles? Some nice cottons, non-glossy leather, twills, tweeds, wools etc..
Saw a couple at renderosity that look interesting, but agree, way too many metal.
I'm a huge fan of Ye Olde Clothe bundle. I'd love to see some historical cloth shaders like this for Iray.
For what it's worth, I've gotten good results converting shaders and then making sure Glossy weight and Glossiness/Roughness at .5 or so, maybe some Glossy anisotropy .5. Make sure there's a good bump, normal, and/or displacement map, or try to fake it with one of the other maps.
More sheer fabrics, give it a little translucency. More silky clothing, some backscatter (though I find it hard to get just right). Maybe some metallicity for more plasticy outfits.
I think that besides of the shaders, the main issue is the clothing itself, too many fantasy warrior outfits, without mention the lack of clothing for male figures, I know tha 3d is about fantasy, but, with the new render engines, more everyday wardrobe would be nice!!!... my best bet is on getting textures on web and using the defaults textures setting, start to tweak then, at lease for now.
I've seen a couple of preveiws of the new cloth shader set coming here from Parrotdolphin for iray. If its anything like her other 3DE shaders that I have its going to be amazing.
There's .
I have and like
I've got but not yet tried:
I didn't like the other cloth fabrid shader available here for IRAY.
I also have and like
EDIT (6 Oct 2015)
Parrotdolphin's new shader rocks. I've editted my post to ensure there are no aspersions on her new shader. :)
Thanks! They are hopefully coming out soon. And there will be cotton!
and sheer, and lots of choices.
parrotdolphins shader kit is brilliant! I've just been playing with it. Even added some of my own patterns.
Thank you - this is just what was needed.
I must say I don't bother to buy this type of product as I do mine own when I get a chance but this is one cool looking product
Thanks!! I'm really glad you like it.
I grabbed it as soon as I saw it listed. If you still use 3De at all I highly recommend her 2 D|S sets over at Renod Pretty Dirty Shaders and the 208 metallic shaders. I spend more time playing with the metals than doing actual renders so days they are just that versatile.