Let's appreciate/discuss today's new releases - ongoing thread
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...and its morphs, if you don't have them yet.
Not a 'New' release but the Gift Card, with 20% off if you get it at over $200.00 and no extra buy-in needed. Perfect timing this time.
Yes, thank you, I put a GC in the car right away.
Nothing sexy, but the Low Poly Paper Piles is exactly the stuff I have use for. And the Knitted Fabric Patterns are nice too.
....there are plush bear heads on her bra.
Did not see that coming. Hands of all who did not see that coming...
"Don't pet the bears!" - or do?!
I think that comes under the heading 'Just because you can, doesn't mean you should '.
I do like the pose set https://www.daz3d.com/z-wall-leaning-utility-pose-mega-set-for-genesis-9-and-8-female. Looks like the poses should work well with curvier models (my models tend to be a bit on the bony side to look really good with those poses), and the quality of the posing hits you at even the first glance. Most impressed, even though I won't be getting them.
Of course she has plush bear heads on her bra. She's a princess, after all! I don't understand your confusion.
she is bearing her chest
wearing a teddy
LP Paper Piles was one of those products where I couldn't inagine many people would need them, but I figured there would be a handful of people that would spot this and think "That! That's what I was looking for!" I just hope users enjoy them and can find a use for them!
You won the interweb. As you often do.
You are so good at spotting those weird everyday-ish gaps and filling them. Thank you for that.
I was only starting the pun relay
was hoping others would take up the baton
Plushies on her plush bits
Paddinton padding
who would you choose to be alone in the woods with?
Thank you! I try to, where I can.
I have literally skipped or majorly reworked scenes due to a lack of plausible-looking paper piles, so this was an instant yoink. The strewn and flying paper presets are just a bonus!
Perhaps if your opening salvo hadn't been a coup de grace, others might've dared to follow. Thanks for always bringing a smile.
two, in fact - or at least, parts of two.
Bear naked ?
More than once I had to do a book cover with flying papers, and probably will again. They are a pain to cut out of stock photos; I'd rather render them. So thank you. :) I especially like the different texture options.
She's wearing only the bear necessities.
Oh, now, see, I came up with "wearing a teddy" on my own while I was looking at the item, but I missed "bearing her chest" entirely. Thank you for pointing out this oversight on my part, Wendy, I don't know what I was thinking!
(Daz seems to have decied to slip several Weird Items into the new releases today when nobody was looking. I love Weird Items. The rocket accessories, the disco ball dress, and (especially) the bear bra are all off the beaten path, and Observation Sky is the closest Tesla's ever come to making a set that's pure abstract art. Of the lot, the rocket accessories are the only thing I'm buying, but if I thought I could find a use for the bear bra, believe me, I'd have bought it in a hot second.)
My issue with the knitted pattern shaders is, that they are painted on top of the pattern, as if applied after the knitting. The classic knitted stuff has the colors follow the basic grid, i.e.there just is differently colored wool thread in those spots.
Amongst others, i too have use for low poly piles of paper.
I was on holiday in Mexico City the same day this new set dropped, and with the memories of the place still fresh in my brain, I can honestly say that it's a quite good reproduction. If anything it could use a few more trees, but you can just duplicate the ones provided and reposition.
Extra kudos for the concrete utility poles. A nice touch.
Edit: now you (the Daz user, that is) just need to add a lot of cars and trucks, a lot of people hanging out in the shops, and maybe a big red bus zipping by on the main street!
@FC2C I'm trying in vain to get displacement, but there's no difference. Then I open up the surface geometry to discover there are no maps. Why/how do you have/get displacement with no map?
Hi there, I've just been through all of the shaders I haven't seen any that don't have displacement maps, could you let me know which shader you're trying to use?
I haven't come across any without displacement maps, either. I don't find the displacement to be very useful most of the time. It can cause gaps between portions of the garment where there are seams between surfaces. The displacement map is going to be limited by the resolution of the garment, so it is not going to enhance the look of the knit stitches shape. It is curious that the shaders do not even use surface SubD Displacement Level to improve the displacement resolution. If you want a good chuckle, turn displacement to Max and Extrusion to Max.
I wonder what circumstances those presets were created for.
My latest whine is that the color selection for the knit ("woven") shaders appears to be just copied from the leather shaders. You can even see the leather texture on the thumbnails. It would have been nice to have a wider selection of color presets for the knits, including some blues and pinks, etc. While the overwhelming set of brown colors may be appropriate for leather, I find those choices very limiting for the knits. I realize I can put any color I want manually into the Base Color channel, and that is what I do. Since the base (white/gray) shaders don't match each other, the base color has to be adjusted anyway when mixing knits in a garment.