Let's appreciate/discuss today's new releases - ongoing thread
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The promo images for Mediterranean Backyard don't even look good. They look like amateur 3Delight renders with a sharpness filter run over them. Not only do they presumably not represent the set as it actually appears, they don't even make the set look attractive, at least to me.
My channel is Bennie Woodell on youtube, but that's not my video that I gave the text to google search for.
As requested concerning Mediterranean Backyard ;
A straight out of the box render, default lights, no sky. If I used a bright light, I am sure it would come closer to what the artists rendered.
Of course we are all different in what we like but I happen to love it and saw several views that will be very useful to me.
Hope this helps those who were wondering. Feel free to download and lighten if you want. If I can't say that, I am sure Richard will delete me...
To me, that looks better than any of the promos, but it still doesn't look good.
That's the one!
Wow another weird experience. Today we have FG Summer Camp But I own Sleep Away Camp and also The Youth Camp (and the Youth Camp Dining Hall and The Youth Camp Shower House). It's a tough sell for me.
Thank you, your render is really helpful. Still, the set looks basically the same as the Stonemason one, so there's no reason for me to buy. It's really really strange that DAZ would let this pass I think, however nice it looks.
+2 As usual, I'm with you, Gordig.
That looks much better, @Lilwolff. Thank you.
Thank you @Lilwolff. That is a lot better than the promo shot. While they may have had the concept at the same time Stonemason's was in QA, I have bought it and this didn't bring anything new to the table.
I loaded both last night - the Stonemason has a flat roof, and the building is quite shallow, so it's probably more limited in the range of camera angles that will work. Although the layout is very similar the actual size and precise placement of the doors and especially the windows are quite distinct.
Ok, thanks. Though I thought this is what the product from Havanalibere was supposed to do. Since it doesn't work, I will give the method in the video a try.
I don't know what principle was applied, or even if they noticed the resemblance - I was just commenting on the resemblance bwing less strong than the image might have led people to expect, and saying that it didn't appear to be a "redux" version of the Stonemason original.
They are both Mediterranean homes. This is a very popular home and courtyard style. I see a lot of differences between them (if you're thinking of the Mediterranean Haven). There are tons of other Mediterranean style products in the store and even stonemason had more than one product in this style. I love these style of homes and don't mind seeing a new product. The new one also includes an extra side yard and pergola that is not in the haven. If you wanted to make a neighborhood scene, you could put both of these houses on a hill with a small, winding road and imagine you're on the island of Capri. :)
I think it's far more likely that there's a house used in some film which both vendors have used as a reference.
While I cannot categorically say that a vendor wouldn't use an existing product from the same store as a reference (sometimes people do daft things), I can't see any good reason they would do so knowingly.
The most sensible way I can see that one product is actually based on the other is that the second vendor has found references online they thought were photos but were actually renders. But I don't think it's something any vendor would do deliberately; it's too much work to model a product that you *know* has competition and you know has a high chance of being rejected or pulled based on the similarity. It just doesn't add up.
I just took a closer look at both, and I really don't think they look as similar as some are suggesting, certainly not to the point where they couldn't have been modeled entirely independent of each other.
Apologies. I was actually looking more at the garden and I've seen many variations of this type of backyard in real life and assumed the architecture was also very similar to all the Mediterranean home styles I've seen in art and paintings over the years. My thinking when I replied that this was a case like when I see very similar G9 figures or hair styles launched on the store. Looking at it closer, that roof is very unique. I can't see the top of the roof on the Haven, but if it's the same as the Backyard roof, that does seems quite the coincidence to come up with independently. My search on roof styles shows this as a shed style roof that is more common in modern style homes and tbh, I didn't see any Mediterranean homes with the style of roof in my search. I'm not an architect tho, so what do I know? I'd also like to hope that it was more of a case described by @Matt_Castle then someone actually ripping off someone else's work.
Anyway, to everyone else... I should know better to chime in on a post that has any amount of controversy and I'm sorry if I offended anyone with my misunderstanding of what is allowed for creating 3D content.
And because this is supposed to be a thread to appreciate/discuss today's new releases, I'll give a shout out to the new Man'o'War ship from Kara Pitat. It's the monthly freebie for Daz+ members and is an organic Warship with crystalline armor plating. I can't wait to render it flying over Planet Taira using USC 2.0 (with the older ecology)!
I've been waiting for something like the XI Cyberpunk Metro Train, Station, & Bridge. Xivon's previous sets have me concerned whether these are scaled appropriately and optimised enough for a few characters to be added. Also, wondering about these cables that suspend in the air with no terminator.
Hehe, hadn't even seen the cables, good catch! - Xi has lately taken to splitting all their sets up in a way that feels kind of unwholesome to me. As in here, especially the bridge on its own. But I'm not much into Cyber so that's alright
It's not the same at all. As Richard had already mentioned, the roof of the Haven house is flat.
There are many other differences in the models, for example the stairs, courtyard stones and arches are different, roof tiles in Haven house are curved while the ones in Backyard house look flat like shingles, the windows also look pretty different and those in Haven house are integrated into the wall while those in Backyard house protude from it, and so on.
Definitely looks like a case of "2 artists used some of the same reference pictures when designing their product" to me.
A number of years ago I went to Crete, and most modern houses there had flat roofs with re-bar sticking out of the top. When I asked why, I got an understandable but utterly mad response. Apparently unfinished houses didn't have to pay tax on finishing the building or annual local government taxes. So.. all houses sought planning permission to build one floor higher than required, and left the rebar sticking out of the top to be able to claim it wasn't finished yet...
So, where's the re-bar in the house above?
When I said "reference pics" I just meant pics used as inspiration for the style.

the Spell Workshop. The Bundle has betwitched me and refuses to leave my cart. Yes the Staff sets are similar to some that came with Wizard outfits etc,. but they just look better.
The workshop bundle is indeed pretty nice, I particularly like the set.
I also like that spell workshop bundle, but it looks like a lot of emissives and i wonder if my system can handle it:
Finally I bought Mixamo Rigged Genesis 9 Character, the first attempt seemed to go quite well.
Even though it's not today's new release I thought I'd post the comment here. I would like to attach a 2 second test video of one of the Mixamo movements, imported with this system, but I don't know how to upload the video, which is not accepted as an attachment.