I'm doing some crazy-fun stuff right now. I have to render Rosie in DS/Iray, but I can export the animated poses and match the camera in Carrara (using a character in Carrara to animate, then shoot the film the same as I did in Iray) and then use that same camera to render back and foreground effects as well... whew! But it's a lot of fun!
I'm doing some crazy-fun stuff right now. I have to render Rosie in DS/Iray, but I can export the animated poses and match the camera in Carrara (using a character in Carrara to animate, then shoot the film the same as I did in Iray) and then use that same camera to render back and foreground effects as well... whew! But it's a lot of fun!
You're gonna need a Power Point slide show to explain this.
I'm doing some crazy-fun stuff right now. I have to render Rosie in DS/Iray, but I can export the animated poses and match the camera in Carrara (using a character in Carrara to animate, then shoot the film the same as I did in Iray) and then use that same camera to render back and foreground effects as well... whew! But it's a lot of fun!
You're gonna need a Power Point slide show to explain this.
Most Awesome!!! Thanks for this!
Thanks, Dartanbeck. as always, a fun project in Carrra ... and Particle Illusion on top of that.
I love your PI work in this! I love the Carrara work as well! Keep bringin' 'em on!!!
I'm doing some crazy-fun stuff right now. I have to render Rosie in DS/Iray, but I can export the animated poses and match the camera in Carrara (using a character in Carrara to animate, then shoot the film the same as I did in Iray) and then use that same camera to render back and foreground effects as well... whew! But it's a lot of fun!
You're gonna need a Power Point slide show to explain this.
Yes. I am! :)