EcVh0 Daily Cloth Shader For Iray (New Shader In planning) [Commercial]

(Update June 2016 - Sorry not sure why this is in the wrong forum and I can't seem to put it back to PA Commerical :/)
Hi guys
This is my very first product in DAZ3D! A cloth shader for iray that can be appiled onto ANY clothes with a selection of Seven different materials
Coming very soon :)
My skin shader for genesis 2 female is coming soon as well :)
Hope you like it!

Daily Cloth Shader Promo 0.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 398K

Daily Cloth Shader Promo 1.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 733K


Daily Cloth Shader Promo 2.jpg

Daily Cloth Shader Promo 3.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 1M

Daily Cloth Shader Promo 4.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 491K

Daily Cloth Shader Promo 5.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 500K

Daily Cloth Shader Promo 6.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 547K

Daily Cloth Shader Promo 7.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 1M
Post edited by EcVh0 on
Looks nice! Can't wait to try it out!
Great to hear, i will give it a try (but please include a tutorial).
Will these be available as a Merchant Resource? This is just what I want for my Free Clothes.
This looks handy! It'll same me a bit of time.
I have a brief images sequence tutorial included :) It is not hard --- simple clicks will do all things
Err I'm not sure about that.. it probably depends on what you actually going to do (cuz I might have further shaders coming in) :D
Glad you like it!
Yes it will! Simple clicks will do all the works :)
I'm sorry but the cloth shaders just look too shiny generally; are there any images that better show off the cloth: cotton, wool, linen. They aren't really shiny at all, or only to a limited extent; the ones in the product aren't condusive to encouraging me to purchase, and I would really like a good cloth shader.
So some better promo pics would get you a sale for sure from me.
Agreed. I usually pick up new Iray shaders as a matter of principle, but the excess of glossy highlights on the matte surfaces (cotton, wool, and linen) is a concern. If it's just a matter of tweaking the roughness, fine, but I'd like to see it first.
BTW, I posted an iridescent silk shader here.
Thanks for the link.
Yep, too shiny. Same with the skin shader :( Please show some non-glossy examples
I try to take it easy on people who are attempting to make our work flow easier....but in the case of EvCH0...the designer seems to feel shinier is better realism. On cloth, this is unacceptable...on skin...only in a gym or wet environment. I think Daz is partly to blame...they are throwing products up like spaghetti on a wall.
I agree on the skin too, but in certain situations it is appropriate and looks very good from the promo images.
What I find dusturbing, is the lack of response from the vendor.
Hi I'm sorry to see that you are not satisfied in the product, can you please send me a message with a image describing the problem so I can try to fix it? :)
And sorry for the late reply
Sorry for the late reply
I'm not sure how it would look bad... I've tried so many different conditions and it all worked fine for me...
Can you please share your render settings to me cuz that might be a problem that I missed...
Here is an example....I used the "Linen" Iray shader...but it just turns it all the other shaders.
I haven't actually bought it as I said, but was wanting examples of the linen/cotton/wool images to see what they looked like; pete.c44's post hightlights my concern.
Hmmm. Black textures definitely show as shiny. My testing of this confirms as well.
When applied to lighter colors (like pink), it seems to be fine. I haven't done much more testing so far.
Hi, i've bought this product and get an unable to locate file while applying the leather shader.
It asks me for My Library/Runtime/Textures/DarkStarBurning/Envy/DSB-Envy-Jacket-B.jpg but i've no such directory in my runtime...
Any other get the same error ?
Thats odd, have you tried skipping that texture? cuz it is not supposed to be there anyways...
I bought this shader pack yesterday and have had the same problem - getting this above error popping up when I use the leather shader.
While I can skip the file from being loaded, the shader is just plain white when I render it in Iray.
So far I haven't been able to use any of the shaders, have tried with both Iray and 3Delight and the results are just plain white with Iray and grey with 3Delight. The free leather shader which comes with DAZ3d works. I followed the PDF tutorial, which is very straightforward, but without luck. I make sure to select all parts of the object as usual before I apply the shaders.
I'll probably ask DAZ3d for a refund, since there's no point for me to have shaders which I cannot use.
I quite excitedly grabbed this when it came out, because it offered cotton and linen shaders, and I've been hungry for those (note to PAs and developers -- I have leather shaders. I have a lot of leather shaders. I am swimming in leather shaders. I have silk shaders too -- not as many as leather shaders, but quite a few. Thank you. They're awesome. I NEED DENIM). As with others, I find cotton produces a pretty shiny result, and I also find that elements like 'graphic tees' get kind of washed out.
In the below image (click for full size) both girls are wearing denim -- black jeans on the left, red denim hot pants on the right. Those and the right hand girl's crop top are using the cotton shader, which is also what I'm using on their sneakers. The shininess on the black jeans makes them almost look like yoga pants and washes out the 'grain' almost entirely, and the shine on the tee shirt makes the '85' print look out of place and washed out. None of it really looks like cotton, which in these uses tends to be matte.
Polyester, silk and leather (sigh, leather) work much more closely to my expectations -- polyester is a pretty useful shader as it works out. But then, those all have quite a bit of implicit shine.
Decrease Glossy layered weight +/- Glossy reflectiviyt, and Top coat weight, this should help.
That acually made me smile. In fact, I'm still grinning. Well put!
If I'd give something on conspiracy theories, I'd guess they're trying to drown us in leather shaders 
For your Denim-Problem: first, choose a "Refraction Index" between 1.459 and 1.58 (that's that of cotton [Source: Mlvern's Sample Dispersion & Refractive Index (2007/4) Freely available in PDF format]. Than adjust your "Glossy Roughness"/"Glossiness". Normally, cloth has a very rough surface, even rougher than human skin. Try a value around 0.86 and above, when you're on the PBR Metallicity/Roughness Mix, and around 0.14 and below!, when you're on PBR Specular/Glossiness. Let lowering the "Glossy Layered Weight" be your last option, for it has an impact on how light or dark your wardrobe's base color will appear in your render. If you find your cloth still too shiny, lower it's "Glossy Reflectivity" first. If you're on a PBR Specular/Glossiness Mix, don't forget to adjust your "Glossy Specular" to your "Refraction Index", Studio only does this internally in the PBR Metallicity/Roughness Mix. The easiest way to do that is to put this formula (for "B4" being the "Refraction Index" value)
into an Excel- or OpenOffice Calc Sheet. For that above formula I've put the wanted result in cell B2 and the value to be computed into cell B4. The decimal you get will go into each channel (R, G and B) for your "Glossy Specular". F.e. a refraction index of 1.459 will result in a color value of 0.034842, 0.034842, 0.034842. Don't even think about messing around with "Glossy Color"! It's a law of physics that the specular reflectance of dielectric materials, aka insulators, is white. (Not to confuse with "Glossy Specular"! For dielectrics that's a somewhat irritating black color, but it's that way to adjust the "Glossy Color" value.) Only metals are able to change the color of specular reflectance.
That may all not be entirely physical correct, but real-world measurements for denim (and other stuff) are hard to come by.
A good website to start to get a hang of PBR material settings is IMO Marmoset's Physically Based Rendering tutorial. The graphics for "microsurface" and "reflectivity" are giving a good hint, where a value for a given material may lie.
Have fun fiddling around on that denim shader.
I dare to kindly disagree. And I hope you don't take it personally, you're a PA yourself, and you've got very nice products on your shelf, espescially your "Crime Scene Anylysis" series is excellent.
But for me as customer, it isn't my job to correct the things a PA couldn't get straight by just not doing "his/her homework". It's more the job of a PA to do the homework for me (or "us"), so I don't have to waste my time with that. That's one of the things you get your money for. If I had to invest more time to correct things which aren't straight as if I would need do it by myself from scratch, why should I buy someones stuff anyways? And as seen above, I'd say that I already did some homework for PBR shading already. All I expect from you PA's (and also DAZ) is, that they do theirs, too.
Don't worry, I don't take it personally, and I don't give physical parameters or answers for the product itself. I just came here to give a practical advice for the user which was disappointed not to have the result he expected, the way he will remove what he probably does not like the fastest. Of course he can increase the roughness too, but since I don't have the product I don't know what the base roughness is used, but regarding the size of the highlighst with these geometries, it is probably already higher than 0.5. And even with a high roughness, if glossy reflectivity is too high, well this is too high.. Concerning Jeans BSSDF measurements, I have already made a few in my life (even wavelength sampled! let's say 20 - well one week of work), I still have the files in old my storage hard drives, but this is very sad, I am not allowed by my previous NDAs to exploit them for personal/commercial purpose.
By luck, I see you are well on the technical side, but are you also a physicist Arnold? I have found none so far on DAZ, and I'd really like to find someone to share our physicist point of views regarding the models used and the model which could be developped... I feel a bit alone when I speak only to myself (well I can discuss with my personal friends, but they are not interested in DS, so if I could have someone else working on both sides..well.. It would be great!).
Why was this stuff deleted from Daz3d store?
I had some trouble with DAZ3D policy very long time ago which resulted in that product being deleted :/ But don't worry I'm planning to recreate a wider variety of cloth shaders later up in the year :)