Alembic Exporter installation fails on DAZ 3D 4.21.02
Hi all, I'm having problems installing the "Alembic Exporter", the error is that the installation comes up with an error message "The installation path for DAZ Studio could not be found".
My installation of DAZ3D is on "C:\DAZ 3D\Applications\64-bit\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4" while the content is installed on D:\DAZ3D.
Therefore, I choose the manual installation. Since I have a desktop and a notebook, the DAZ3D installation is 1:1 to make synchronization easier.
I have changed the value in the registry as the readme of "Alembic Exporter" passes to my installation path, but it does not work.
Here is the description of the readme:
If you encounter "can't find path..." error, do the following steps:
1. Run regedit.exe
2. Under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\DAZ\Studio4", add an string type(REG_SZ) key: InstallPath-64
C:/Daz 3D/DAZ3DIM1/Applications/64-bit/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4
3. Set key's value to the DAZ installation path (for example: "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4")
4. Close regedit, and install Alembic Exporter
5. Launch DAZ Pro, goto Help -> About installed plugins and find Alembic Exporter
6. Enter the serial number, restart Daz.
I would be lucky if someone can help
If you have purchased, like me, the Alembic plugin, you should know that it has not been updated.
Also, it uses an old export format that is no longer used by newer versions of Cinema 4D and Blender.
For alembic, you have to use Sagan which is free and works very well.
With Sagan, there is only one dll that must be placed in the DazStudio directory, with the other dlls.
Then, you can export your Daz scene, through the menu Edit > Sagan Alembic Exporter
Having never used Daz's Alembic Exporter, I can also heartily recommend Sagan.
Install the exporter using the same method as the base application - mixing methods for application and items that isntall like plug-ins is problematic.
What do you mean? The plug-in has certainly been updated to work with the current Daz Studio build.
Alembic Exporter is an old product. I bought it in February 2018.
Now, manual installation fails (unless maybe you make changes in Windows Path)
But there is the installation with Install Manager which I have not tried.
Anyway, this utility doesn't support the new Alembic format, which makes it useless if you work with the versions of 3D software.
How did you install Daz Studio?