Not able to download Victoria 9

Is anyone else having problems with downloading Victoria 9? I can't even get the details to load on my Product Library page when I click on them. Everything that came with my pre-order bundle is the same way, I click on the name of the product, and where the image of the product should be I get the spinning circle indicating it's loading and no matter how long I wait nothing shows up.

I can get anything else to show up, just not V9 and the stuff that came in the bundle. I can get the freebies I got with the bundle to show up. 


  • It's the same for me, I have reported this several times both in the issue thread and a ticket, but nothig was done about it. It applies to all the items in the Intro bundle (except for V9 in my case, which was fixed after I got the medieval bundles)

    If you buy something today, the items from the bundle get assigned to today's order and can be downloaded, But at the next store turnover, it will change back to spinning circle, until you place another order.

  • It must be a purchase of something V9 related, as I've made a few purchases since, and I was not able to download her.

  • If you didn't make a purchase since the last store changeover half a day ago, it doesn't count.  But this behaviour might not apply to everyone, so I don't know.

    My items are currently locked as well, since I didn't buy anyhting today, but I'll place an order later and I'll let you know if they become available... it's a been a while since I checked as I already downloaded everything.

  • Alright.

  • It works the same for me, I placed an order just now and the bundle items are working again, assigned to today's date.

    You can try with one of the freebies if you haven't bought them yet, any order will do.

  • Hmm... I will give it a try.

  • That appears to have done it, for now.

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