disappearing props

Does anyone else have an issue where the props on a genesis figure disappear if you add clothing after the prop? I've taken to just removing the props from the genesis parenting tree, and then adding them back in, but is there a solution to this problem?
Anyone? This is kind of an annoying bug.
Sorry haven't had or seen this yet. What version of Daz Studio have you got and what are the props that you are having trouble with?
Actually I've been using both .85 and .172 of Carrara. also I've used both studio 4.0.3 and 4.5. (Truth is I'm finding it impossible to run .85 with 4.5 so they have to be updated or D-updated simultaneously. -This has to do with 4.5 Studio only saving DUF files and only Carrara .172 being able to handle them.-)
All props too. From guns to hair props, to self made and imported obj's, if I use a jew piece of clothing or in the .172 version, put a pose on the Genesis model, all props on genesis disappear, sometimes leaving the names of their instances behind, but the geometries themselves are gone.
Not a show stopper like Carrara .172's reinforcing bugs, where clothes don't properly adjust to figures and you're not allowed to hide parts of the body making work effectively impossible, but it sure is annoying to constantly be having to employ inverse kenimatics to keep objects following each other without poofing out of existence.