Weird green artifacts on clothes with Iray

I'm new to DAZ, im just learning, and I got this.

Sometimes it's barely visible, sometimes it's completely awful, but I got it constantly.

I am using Iray rendering on 1660s GPU, with drivers 526.98, win 11 with everything up to date, GPU is not giving me any artifacts in games so far and it's not overclocked, so what can cause this? 

I have tried lots of render settings, and I'm almost sure there is nothing on Iray to change this, more likely something with materials to fix or adjust, but I couldn't find the cause.

2022-12-01 043217.jpg
227 x 277 - 14K


  • Have you tried adding more lights - or different lights? Iray LOVES light.

  • SpaciousSpacious Posts: 481

    That looks to me like the geometry of the clothing is intersecting with the geoimetry of the figure.  Some clothes have an "Expand All" slider, or if not, you can add a Push Modifier.  You could also maybe try adding a smoothing modifier to the clothes. 

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