V2 Released: Tile or Re-tile your textures - Script for DS 1, 2, 3, 4

mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
edited August 2015 in Freebies

Right Here ====> https://sites.google.com/site/mcasualsdazscripts6/mcjtiletex

example, you have a brick texture image and in your scene you applied it with custom tiling and custom offsets 

but you want to use a shader that doesnt support tiling


you want the bump map to use a different tiling, but most materials have only 1 tiling/offset setup


with the  (upcoming ) script mcjReTileTex

you select a surface

the script lets you select which image to mcjReTileTex

you press a button and using imagemagick a free utility not-by-me

you get a new texture image that looks the same when applied without any Tiling ! ( well with a tiling of 1 by one with no offset )

i made this because the bump map currently displayed on the apron needs to be "manually" reworked and the tiling didnt make this easy


in the image below the top surface has a tiling of 4 by 4 with a vertical offset of 0.33, that image is 472x472 pixels

the bottom image is 1888x1888 pixels and has a tiling of 1x1 with no offset

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited August 2015

    since DS doesnt have an image.paste() function, i guess i wont make a version of the script that works without imagemagick

    shown here: selecting more than 1 material

    now i only have to add a button, so you can tell where you installed imagemagick

    someone please tell me

    is it normal that i have to re-upload images twice in this forum, else they sometimes get corrupted or something?


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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited August 2015

    close to the finish line ...


    to keep everything simple,

    negative tiling values will be forced into positives


    if( tiling < 0 ) tiling = -tiling;

    if a tiling setting is 0, it gets forced to 1


    Tiling offsets will be remapped to the 0 to 1 range,

    but they'll remain functionally equivalent to your negative offsets

    so you can use negative offsets and get faithful results


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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited August 2015

    it's a quick way to make pattern textures !

    see i can zoom in on something, render it, apply this image to a plane, tile it

    then i use the script and bam i got a tiled texture


    i was hesitating, but i think i'll make the output filename and type selectable by you

    instead of having an automatic name and location


    then i post the script and you can play with it Sunday !


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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited August 2015

    The Early-Nerd-Gets-The-Script version is out !




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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited August 2015

    there will be a second and final version today


    it addresses the issue when using tiling of less than 1 - for example here the vertical tiling is 0.5

    to make matters more complicated, OpenGL and 3Delight dont handle it the same way

    i'll also make tests in DS4.8 ! and IRay ... and possibly Blender 


    so it's clear mcjTexTile interprets the tiling for sub-1 tiling the same way 3delight does

    left is hardware/preview, right i software render in DS3

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  • mtl1mtl1 Posts: 1,506

    Oh wow, thank you so much. I can see so many uses for this script already ^_^

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited August 2015

    so there will be a checkbox 

    when the vertical tiling is less than 1 and this checkbox is checked, 

    mcjTileTex will do the same mistake as the Daz Studio OpenGL preview does

    for the record, here's the code for this

    	if( wcbViewportAlike.checked )	{		if( matVT &lt; 1 )		{			matVO = matVO - matVT;			if( matVO &lt; 0 )			{				matVO += 1;			}		}	}

    Indeed the behavior is the same in DS4.9 as DS3

    i.e. for sub-unit vertical tiling

    the preview shows one thing the 3delight render shows another

    so the new checkbox will help!


    note that the test testure is a public domain picture from 1001 nights



    but IRay treats sub-unit vertical tiling like the OpenGL viewport

    i swear i didnt notice the black skirt visibility was off

    and anyway she's wearing the mcjA3Bodycon and panties


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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited August 2015

    In the case of Blender Cycles

    the scene exported from DS4.8 using mcjTeleBlender

    Failed ... which is a problem i will look into soon 

    the tiling didnt make the voyage from DS to Blender 

    in fact i'll check right now if DS3 does it too


    but in a way, you could say mcjTileTex solves that type of problem !

    since it integrates the tiling in the texture file

    the lower left panel is the mcjTileTex texture ! and it's A-OK!


    oh i see the problem

    in DS4.8, when DS's OBJ exporter exports the scene

    it renames some materials to avoid material name "collisions"

    mcjteleblender does transmit the tiling for "Plane_7", material "Default"

    but in the .obj and the .mtl, calls the material  "Default_Plane_7"


    ... expect a TeleBlender3 (and 2 ) update soon ...

    though TeleBlender under DS3 works fine, and since i'm quite often in the comfort and security of DS3, i didnt test/fix teleblender-DS4

    even the "collect maps" options has issues under DS4 dang it

    The Vic-20 and PET versions are a-OK

    see? DS3 + TeleBlender --> Blender Cycles, No problem




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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited August 2015

    a pattern created start to finish under 5 minutes though it could be done in 30 seconds if you have the source image already

    so today i plan to release the 2nd and final version of mcjTileTex aka mcjTexTile

    you can download the attached images and use them how you please, the flower is a prop i made

    ( and may publish someday since apparently i didnt )


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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605

    a pattern created start to finish under 5 minutes though it could be done in 30 seconds if you have the source image already


  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited August 2015

    So version 2 is released!




    it includes the option for the special case wherein the vertical tiling is below 1 tile

    and it includes the tested/fixed version for DS1/DS2

    now you may say, but but DS1 does not have tiling

    ah HA! then you should look into my free shader for DS1/DS2 

    it even has separate tiling for the bump map ( https://sites.google.com/site/mcasualsdazscripts2/mcjglossy )



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