Well what do you know...
Posts: 771
Looks liker a G9 Goth Girl finally showed up in the store.
HID Nora
Goth Girl 001s.jpg
1440 x 1872 - 396K
Post edited by billyben_0077a25354 on
Charlotte is offended.
some people seems not to know that most makeup can be used on different figures, methinks.
LOL, I was just thinking the same thing. Every DS user should also have an image editor so even if they don't have goth makeup from a store, they can make their own for any character
Guys & Girls, I said G9. I will be using this makeup and skin on several different G9 models. My comments were made because I am happy that I finally got a nice pale skin and some good makeup that works well for a Goth Girl. Sheesh.
LOL @ myself
She's prettily modeled.