Wish List Question
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Wish List Question

I'm just wondering, does DAZ 3D still send out notices when something on my wish list goes on sale?
If so, how do I sign up for it, because, I haven't received any notices for wish list sales in a long time.
We currently don't have that functionality in the Wish List. However, we are evaluating a tool that will do this for us. We hope to have it available in the near future.
On issue of wishlists -- any news when the problems with large/huge/positively gargantuan wishlists is solved? (If you have lots of items, you won't see the wishlist at all.)
EDITED TO ADD: WAIT! Wait wait wait -- I see my wishlist! OMG! Y'guys fixed it today, didn't you!?
I'm not sure. I'll look into it and when I hear I'll let you know.
Thanks for letting me know about the wish list notices. I kinda figured that was the issue. But I wanted to make sure I wasn't over looking something.
I just wanna say a huge THANK YOU. I was finally able to cull unwanted stuff, bought stuff, duplicates, triplicates, quadruples (yes seriously) and other trifles off my wishlist.
...not that it made it much smaller. Still ticking at 2040 items... but at least I HAVE it.
What would be great also is once they get the "Already Purchased" option notification back on for the store that we would be able to see that notification also for our wishlist. A litle note saying it was purchased already or possibly even have it automatically removed from our wishlist.
That way if we dso purchase something without first consulting our wishlist It would either be automatically removed or a note attached so we could see it the next time we view it.